I Hope You Woke Up Today And The Entire World Told You That You Were Loved

I Hope You Woke Up Today And The Entire World Told You That You Were Loved

I hope you woke up today and the entire world told you that you were loved. I hope the birds sang it to you as you still lay in bed. I hope the sun pulled at your toes showering you in her love. I hope you understand that the coffee pot making her sputter noises was adorning you. I hope you saw the grass and the leaves waving at you–because they see you, and they love you. I hope you looked at the man you passed on the street, because in his eyes he was saying he loved you with his warmth. I hope that all the dogs in your path pulled the arms from their humans to cover you in wet kisses. I hope you are loved so madly by the people you wake up beside. That they turn over and light up with the present of your presence. I hope you were woken with kisses from warm lips from a human you love. I hope that you understand each piece of earth you stand upon is captivated and seduced by your toes and your presence.

And if you haven’t been told you are loved yet today — I love you.

Thank you for existing. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Janne Robinson is a poet and author of
This Is For The Women Who Don’t Give A Fuck.
Pre-order your copy now!

About the author

Janne Robinson

Follow me on Instagram for more updates and writing and buy my book, This Is For The Women Who Don’t Give A Fuck!