‘Survivor’ | IMDb

3 Best and 3 Worst Seasons of ‘Survivor’


With Survivor season upon us, we can’t stop listening to podcasts from former players and reminiscing on the long-running competition show’s best seasons. Survivor began in 2000 with 16 castaways tasked with surviving the harsh conditions of Borneo, Malaysia with few supplies and little food. Whoever could last the longest, or more specifically, whoever could “outwit, outplay, and outlast” would win $1 million.

But since its inception, Survivor has morphed into a game that hinges on social strategy. The survival aspect has taken a backseat in recent years while players form alliances, blindside one another, and figure out how to play with new twists and advantages. Throughout the show’s 45 seasons, however, there have been some stinkers. On the flipside, the series has also spawned some of the greatest reality television moments in history. So, here are our picks for the three best and three worst Survivor seasons.

Best: Pearl Islands (Season 7)

Survivor: Pearl Islands was one of the first seasons to introduce a major twist—a third tribe of eliminated castaways. While some people hate the twist, it does spawn a truly shocking moment for both viewers and players. But the real reason Pearl Islands is one of the all-time best Survivor seasons is because of the characters. To this day, Rupert is one of the most memorable players who defines what it means to be a Survivor hero, and his rivalry with Jonny Fairplay creates a true hero versus villain dynamic.

Not only that, but Pearl Islands was Queen Sandra Diaz’s first foray into the world of Survivor. She’s considered one of the all-time greats who is basically the mother of Survivor’s social strategy. She showed us that a castaway’s greatest weapon is their tongue.

Worst: Nicaragua (Season 21)

Many people rank Nicaragua as unequivocally one of the worst seasons in Survivor history. Its cast is relatively unlikable in comparison to other casts, so there’s barely anyone to root for. There aren’t any great strategic plays, and a double-quit at the Final 9 is just frustrating to watch. No one likes a quitter, but we especially hate it when it messes up other players’ plans to get to the end. 

The Medallion of Power was introduced and immediately nixed because it was such a useless waste of screen time. And the season’s winner is one of the most disappointing (who won just because they were the most likable out of three men at the end). 

Best: Heroes vs. Villains (Season 20)

Perhaps inspired by Rupert and Jonny, Season 20 of Survivor brought back the best heroes and villains to ever play the game. Because they were all returning players, they already knew how to survive and strategize. This season also spawned the first two-time winner who was well-deserving of the title, although some people will argue that the runner-up should have won. 

Regardless, there were some truly fantastic moments in this season, with commentary from hilariously savage players Sandra Diaz-Twine and Courtney Yates. The villains often butted heads, but surprisingly, so did the heroes. And although the heroes were underwhelming, a successful double idol play solidifies Heroes vs. Villains as one of the best Survivor seasons of all-time.

Worst: Thailand (Season 5)

The early seasons all had their challenges—in Season 1, no one even knew what an alliance was! But Season 5 is the epitome of bad game play with unlikable characters. Almost no one (aside from Helen and Shii Ann) is redeemable, and the winner was decided based on who was the lesser of two evils. Plus, there’s even a brush with sexual harassment that’s dealt with by eliminating the victim instead of the predator, so that’s FUN (it’s not fun). Basically, don’t watch this season.

Best: Millennials vs. Gen X (Season 33)

Some people might argue this, but this was a spectacular newbie season from top to bottom. The season had everything: panic attacks, showmance, blindsides, and even a beautiful coming-out moment shared between a Millennial and a Gen X. If you watch Survivor for the drama, this is the season for you. There’s even an unrequited crush!

People like to criticize the Final Three, but all three of them deserved to be there. The winner played one of the best games in Survivor history by using their information wisely and forging the smartest connections between the tribes. The runners-up had incredible character arcs—starting from feeling shy and inadequate, and then growing into hilarious, confident, and charming characters.

Worst: Worlds Apart (Season 30)

Most people would rank Island of the Idols (Season 39) as one of the worst seasons, but that season’s poorly handled sexual harassment mirrors society in a way Worlds Apart doesn’t. While the production’s mishandling of the situation overshadows the season, there are some great characters and funny quips that make some moments enjoyable. 

But Season 30 can only be described as a slog. There’s no one fun to root for, and the winner is both predictable and undeserving. The theme is a reach too—Blue Collar vs. White Collar vs. No Collar. And in many ways, the theme only perpetuates the stereotypes of many of those groups. Survivor should be fun, and Season 30 is anything but.

About the author

Jamie Lerner

Jamie Lerner is a writer, comedian, and musician who’s been writing about television and movies since she reviewed Mean Girls for her fifth-grade school newspaper.