James Swift
James Swift is an Atlanta-based writer and reporter.
This Is Why You’ll Always Be Single
The problem isn’t the dating pool. It’s you.
‘The Bachelor’ Is The Most Offensive Show On TV
There isn’t a more misogynistic, racist or homophobic program on television … so why is the long-running ABC reality program still so popular after 14 years?
30 Things You Need to Know Before You Turn Thirty
Never say “I love you” unless you mean it …
The Rise of Antisocial Media, Why Reddit And YouTube Are Gen Z’s Favorite Hangouts
Why the abrasive, anonymous nature of platforms like YouTube and Reddit may have grave – and very real – consequences for the “always online” generation.
Bad Teachers: The Main Problem With Higher Education
I think most students walk out of college more narrow-minded than when they walked in. They exit college being more codependent thinkers than independent thinkers.
The Real Reason The US Has So Many Mass Shootings
More than anything else, the US media itself is at fault for such instances of mass carnage.