Maybe You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be Right Now

Maybe You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be Right Now

You don’t have to know what you need, but if you need something – say something. You’re not needy. You’re human. You’re allowed to mess up. But don’t hold on to guilt and embarrassment for too long. It’ll be okay.

You’re allowed to feel off and take as many breaks as you need to. Your biggest responsibility is taking care of yourself.⠀You’re allowed to not have your life figured out. You’re allowed to be ‘behind’ because where you are is fine. Where you are is where you need to be right now.⠀

Work doesn’t define you. Grades don’t define you. Medication doesn’t define you. Anxiety doesn’t define you. The past doesn’t define you. Relationships don’t define you. Words don’t define you. Looks don’t define you. ⠀

How you love defines you. How you use your gifts to help others defines you. Your gifts are part of your purpose. Even if you say you don’t know what your purpose is, you have purpose. Start with your heart. Start with how you love naturally. Start with how you’re able to help others. You know more about yourself than you think you know.

This planet needs love more than anything. Love looks like being kind. Love looks like trusting. Love looks like helping people where you can. Love looks like patience. Love looks like getting up in the morning and doing the best you can. Love looks like you.

Everything is coming together. I know from deep experience that even when nothing makes sense you must keep going. You must stay open. You must experience pain. You must try not to be hard on yourself. You must keep going because your purpose here is so important. ⠀

You are safe. You are not a burden. You are loved beyond knowledge. Trust your process. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Jacqueline Whitney is the author of Beyond Worthy, a collection of poetry that offers hope and reassurance for those questioning whether they’ll ever truly be okay.

Keep up with Jacqueline on Instagram