Here’s The Creepiest Wikipedia Article From Every State
Red Lady of Huntingdon College

According to legend, the Red Lady was a miserable student who attended Huntingdon college only at her father’s insistence. Becoming increasingly withdrawn and her behavior becoming increasingly erratic, she eventually dressed in all red and slashed her own wrists, ending her life.
The sad girl, abandoned by the one person she had believed to be her only friend, allegedly formed the habit of wandering into rooms where the other girls were congregating, but her presence cast a chill upon the groups and they would soon find flimsy excuses for leaving her alone. Then, with a feeling of alienation from all humankind, she would return to her solitary sleeping quarters, where she would wrap herself in her red bedspread and retreat from the whole world.
Later, Martha’s behavior allegedly became even more strange: She would wait until the lights were out, and then she would visit one dormitory after another, never saying a word but staring into space as if she were in a trance. As time passed, she took to walking up and down the halls during the darkest hours of the night. Often she would alarm the girls by opening and closing their doors, then hurrying away to resume her pitiful promenade. (KEEP READING)
Robert Hansen

“Butcher Baker” was responsible for the deaths of at least 17 women, and perhaps as many as 30. The details of his murders in this Wikipedia page are truly horrific:
On June 13, 1983, 17-year-old Cindy Paulson escaped from 44-year-old Robert Hansen, while he was trying to load her into his Piper Super Cub. She told police she had been offered $200 to perform oral sex but that, when she got into the car, Hansen pulled a gun on her and drove her to his home in Muldoon. There, he held her captive. (KEEP READING)
The Thing

For miles, Interstate 10 in Arizona is lined with advertisements for “The Thing” a creepy attraction located just off exit 322. “The Thing” is some creepy-ass mummified being, surrounded by folklore and legend.
The origin of The Thing was established by Syndicated columnist Stan Delaplane, who interviewed Janet Prince in 1956. Prince told him, “[A] man came through here about six years ago. He had three of [the bodies] he got somewhere. He was selling them for $50.” Today, the attraction is operated by an Albuquerque-based company, Bowlins, Inc., which owns several roadside trading posts throughout the Southwest. (KEEP READING)
Ronald Gene Simmons

Simmons was a serial killer in Arkansas who killed 16 people in under a week — many of these people were his own family and children. The descriptions of his crimes are truly awful:
Shortly before Christmas 1987, Simmons decided to kill all the members of his family. On the morning of December 22, he first killed his wife Rebecca and eldest son Gene by shooting them with a .22-caliber pistol, and then killed his 3-year-old granddaughter Barbara by strangulation. Simmons dumped the bodies in the cesspit he had made his children dig. Simmons then waited for his other children to return to the house, and after their arrival he told them he had presents for them, but wanted to give them one at a time. He first killed his daughter, 17-year-old Loretta, whom Simmons strangled and held under the water in a rain barrel. The three other children, Eddy, Marianne, and Becky, were then killed in the same way. (KEEP READING)
The Original Night Stalker (Never Caught)

In the 1970s and 1980s, there was a serial killer who committed at least 50 rapes and 12 murders. He completely stumped police and is still assumed to be at-large today.
The Sacramento East Area Rapist is believed to have started as a prolific burglar, only later graduating to rape. His initial modus operandi was to stalkmiddle class neighborhoods at night looking for women who lived in single-story homes, generally located near a school, creek, or other open space that afforded a quick escape. He was spotted on a number of occasions, but sprinted away upon detection. (KEEP READING)
Denver International Airport (conspiracy theories)

Tons of conspiracy theories dot the Denver Airport, that was supposedly constructed by numerous companies WAY over budget:
There are several conspiracy theories relating to the airport’s design and construction such as the runways being laid out in a shape similar to a swastika. Murals painted in the baggage claim area have been claimed to contain themes referring to future military oppression and a one-world government. However, the artist, Leo Tanguma, said the murals, titled “In Peace and Harmony With Nature” and “The Children of the World Dream of Peace,” depict man-made environmental destruction and genocide along with humanity coming together to heal nature and live in peace. (KEEP READING)
Travis (chimpanzee)

Travis was a chimpanzee who grew up with a human family. He was beloved by all, and very highly regarded. That is, until he started trying to rip people’s faces off…
On February 16, 2009, Travis attacked Sandra Herold’s 55-year-old friend Charla Nash, inflicting devastating injuries to her face and limbs. Travis had left the house with Sandra Herold’s car keys, and Nash came to help get the chimp back in the house; upon seeing Nash holding one of his favorite toys, Travis immediately attacked her. Travis’ screams can be heard in the background of the tape as Sandra pleads for police, who initially believed the call to be a hoax, until she started screaming, “He’s eating her!” (KEEP READING)
Albert Fish

Albert Fish was a sadistic and horrific serial killer who brutally murdered and mutilated hundreds of people.
Around 1910, while he was working in Wilmington, Delaware, Fish met a 19-year-old man named Thomas Kedden. He took Kedden to where he was staying, and the two began a sadomasochistic relationship; it is unclear whether or not Fish forced Kedden to do these things, but in his confession he implies that the man was intellectually disabled. After ten days, Fish took Kedden to “an old farm house”, where he began to torture him. The torture took place over two weeks. Fish eventually tied Kedden up and cut off half of his penis. “I shall never forget his scream, or the look he gave me,” Fish later recalled. He originally intended to kill Kedden, cut up his body, and take it home, but he feared the hot weather would draw attention to him. (KEEP READING)
Disappearance of Ben McDaniel

Ben McDaniel went scuba diving one day, and never came back. Despite multiple attempts to recover his body, it has never been found, and accusations range from suicide, murder, to sheer carelessly of an amateur diver. The whole story with all its twists and turns is truly wild.
Cronin and fellow employee Eduardo Taran, on their way back from a dive themselves – something they often did on Wednesdays after the shop closed – saw Ben as he began descending, with his lights on and wearing a helmet, suggesting he was venturing into the cave. Taran, who had suspected for some time that Ben was forcing the gate open, went down to him and unlocked it, watching Ben go in and then returning to Cronin. No one is known to have seen him since. (KEEP READING)
Georgia Guidestones

These bizarre monuments are called the “ten commandments of the Anti-Christ.” They stand over nineteen feet tall, and were built by a “small group of loyal Americans” in 1980.
The Guidestones have become a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists. One of them, an activist named Mark Dice, demanded that the Guidestones “be smashed into a million pieces, and then the rubble used for a construction project”, claiming that the Guidestones are of “a deep Satanic origin”, and that R. C. Christian belongs to “a Luciferian secret society” related to the “New World Order“.At the unveiling of the monument, a local minister proclaimed that he believed the monument was “for sun worshipers, for cult worship and for devil worship”. (KEEP READING)
Folklore in Hawaii
Source: via Pacific Worlds
All these legends are pretty damn creepy. The United States may have stolen control of Hawaii from the native leaders a long time ago, some of them may have left the state with some eerie curses:
According to Hawaiian legend, night marchers (huaka‘i po in Hawaiian) are ghosts of ancient warriors. They supposedly roam large sections of the island chain, and can be seen by groups of torches. They can usually be found in areas that were once large battlefields (the Nuuanu Pali on the island of Oahu is a good example.) Legend has it that if you look a night marcher straight in the eye, you will be forced to walk among them for eternity. (KEEP READING)
Ruby Ridge

Ruby Ridge was the site of a standoff between Randy Weaver’s family and federal agents. Weaver had ties to anti-government groups, but ultimately he was (mostly) found to not be responsible for the government’s siege of his property. The affair eventually expanded the “militia movement” that sought to claim independence from the government.
Randy Weaver, a former Iowa factory worker and U.S. Army combat engineer, moved with his family to northern Idaho during the 1980s in order to “home-school his children and escape what he and his wife Vicki saw as a corrupted world.” Vicki, the religious leader of the family, believed that the apocalypse was imminent and believed her family would survive the apocalypse in a remote mountainous area. They bought 20 acres (8 ha) of land on Ruby Ridge in 1983 and began building a cabin. (KEEP READING)
Max Headroom broadcast signal intrusion
On November 24th, 1971 someone managed to “take over” a television broadcast and air this extremely bizarre video. Nobody has ever figured out the meaning of the message, or why the hell it was done.
The show was interrupted by television static, after which the unidentified man wearing the Max Headroom mask and sunglasses appeared, mentioning WGN pundit Chuck Swirsky, whom he said he was “better than”, going on to call Swirsky a “fricking Liberal“. The man started to moan, scream and laugh. He continued to laugh and utter various random phrases, including New Coke‘s advertising slogan “Catch the Wave” (KEEP READING)
Murder of Sylvia Likens

Sylvia Likens had been left in the care of the Baniszewski family while her parents traveled for work. Her caregivers quickly turned abusive, with mother Gertrude Baniszewski harassing her, beating her, and delivering sermons to her about her inherent filth. Before Sylvia’s parents could return, she had been tortured to death.
When Likens became incontinent, Baniszewski locked her in the basement and began a bathing regime to “cleanse” Likens, involving dousing her with scalding water and rubbing salt into the burns. She was often kept naked and rarely fed. At times, Baniszewski and her twelve-year-old son John Jr. would make Likens eat her own feces, as well as urine and feces from the diaper of Gertrude Baniszewski’s one-year-old son.
On October 22, Baniszewski began to carve the words “I’m a prostitute and proud of it” upon Likens’ abdomen with a heated needle. (KEEP READING)
Johnny Gosch

On September 5th, 1982 Johnny Gosch vanished during his regular paper route. When neighbors began calling his parents, complaining about not having their morning papers, that’s when they realized something went desperately wrong. Over twenty years of searching have yielded no results.
Johnny’s mother, Noreen Gosch, has made a number of weird claims in this case. She says that Johnny emerged from hiding to visit her in 1997 and that she found photos of Johnny on her doorstep in 2006.
His mother, Noreen Gosch, maintains that Johnny Gosch escaped from his captors and visited her in 1997, but now fears for his life and lives under an assumed identity. Gosch’s father, John, divorced from Noreen since 1993, has publicly stated that he was not sure whether or not such a visit actually occurred. Authorities have not located Gosch or confirmed Noreen Gosch’s account, and his fate continues to be the subject of speculation, conspiracy theories, and dispute. (KEEP READING)
The Bloody Benders

They are said to be America’s first serial killers, but even if that isn’t technically the case, they remain one of the most freaky. The Benders were an entire family filled with serial killers. They ran an Inn and General Store, where they often killed their guests and customers:
It is conjectured that when a guest would stay at the Benders’ bed and breakfast inn, the hosts would give the guest a seat of honor at the table which was positioned over a trap door that led into the cellar. With the victim’s back to the curtain Kate would distract the guest, while John Bender or his son would come from behind the curtain and strike the guest on the right side of the skull with a hammer.
The victim’s throat was then cut by one of the women to ensure his or her death. The body was then dropped through the trap door. Once in the cellar, the body would be stripped and later buried somewhere on the property, often in the orchard. Although some of their victims had been quite wealthy, others had been carrying very little of value on them and it was surmised that the Benders had killed them simply for the sheer thrill. (KEEP READING)
Pope Lick Monster

The Pope-Lick Monster is some kind of goat-pig-human hybrid that is obsessed with luring humans to their deaths. This whole legend is kinda f*cked up…
According to some accounts, the creature uses either hypnosis[1] or voice mimicry to lure trespassers onto the trestle to meet their death before an oncoming train. Other stories claim the monster jumps down from the trestle onto the roofs of cars passing beneath it. Yet other legends tell that it attacks its victims with a blood-stained axe and that the very sight of the creature is so unsettling that those who see it while walking across the high trestle are driven to leap off. (KEEP READING)
Axeman of New Orleans

From 1918 to 1919 the city of New Orleans was frozen in fear of a crazy Axeman who quietly axed victims to death. His only interest was in murder, as he never robbed any of his victims.
The Axeman was not caught or identified, and his crime spree stopped as mysteriously as it had started. The murderer’s identity remains unknown to this day, although various possible identifications of varying plausibility have been proposed. On March 13, 1919, a letter purporting to be from the Axeman was published in newspapers saying that he would kill again at 15 minutes past midnight on the night of March 19, but would spare the occupants of any place where a jazz band was playing. That night all of New Orleans’ dance halls were filled to capacity, and professional and amateur bands played jazz at parties at hundreds of houses around town. There were no murders that night. (KEEP READING)
John Joubert (serial killer)

An above average student, Joubert eventually became consumed by sadistic tendencies and a lust for murder. His crimes were uniquely horrible.
From a very young age, Joubert began having increasingly violent sadistic fantasies. According to three psychiatric reports prepared on Joubert in 1984, his earliest sadistic fantasies began at around the age of 6. These fantasies revolved around murdering and cannibalizing a neighborhood girl who babysat him. To one psychiatrist, he described having nothing personal against the girl, seeing her as “just someone to kill.” (KEEP READING)
Goatman (Maryland)

Many decades ago, an eccentric scientist was known for performing disturbing experiments on goats. One day, a reaction backfired onto him, and he became part man, part goat. Freaky stuff, really.
According to urban legend, the Goatman is an axe-wielding half-animal, half-man creature that was once a scientist who worked in the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. The tale holds that he was experimenting on goats until one experiment backfired, and he was mutated, becoming goat-like himself. He then began attacking cars with an axe, roaming the back roads of Beltsville, Maryland. (KEEP READING)
Lizzie Borden

On the morning of August 4th, 1892, Abby and Andrew Borden were killed in their home. When police examined the bloody scene, they brought daughter Lizzie Borden in for questioning. While her stories were often contradictory and erratic, a trial by jury found her not guilty of murder. The details of her life, and this case, are insanely disturbing.
Lizzie appeared at the inquest hearing on August 8. Lizzie’s behavior was erratic, and she often refused to answer a question even if the answer would be beneficial to her. She often contradicted herself, such as claiming to have been in the kitchen reading a magazine when her father arrived home, then claiming to have been in the dining room doing some ironing, and then claiming to have been coming down the stairs. She had also claimed to have removed her father’s boots and put slippers on him despite police photographs clearly showing Andrew wearing his boots. (KEEP READING)
Nain Rouge

Originating from overseas in Normandy, the rogue is said to be either a protector of the city of Detroit, or a bringer of doom. Whichever he is, he remains spooky AF.
Jane Dacy of East Elizabeth Street was at home performing errands one evening in October of 1872 when she entered a dark room and saw what the Detroit Free Presscalled a ghost. However, the description of “blood-red eyes, long teeth and rattling hoofs” seems more akin to the famed Nain Rouge than a mere specter. The fright of seeing the creature caused Dacy to faint and become bed-ridden.
Another woman claimed to have been attacked in 1884, and described the creature as resembling, “a baboon with a horned head … brilliant restless eyes and a devilish leer on its face.” Another attack was reported in 1964. (KEEP READING)
Jacob Wetterling

11-year-old Jacob Wetterling was kidnapped in October 1989 while biking home from a convenience store. He and some friends were ambushed by an armed man, and while his friends were allowed to run free, he was kidnapped by the man.
An investigation lasted over 27 years before Jacob’s murderer was found.
Danny Heinrich, who was wearing a stocking cap mask and was armed with an unloaded revolver, came out of a driveway and ordered the boys to throw their bikes into a ditch and lie face down on the ground. He then asked each boy his age. Jacob’s brother was told to run toward a nearby wooded area and not look back or else he would be shot. Heinrich then demanded to view the faces of the two remaining boys. He picked Jacob, and told his friend to run away and not look back otherwise he would shoot.This was the last time Jacob was ever seen alive. (KEEP READING)
Redhead murders

A string of unsolved killings from the 1970s to the 1990s involved a series of brutally murdered redheaded women. The perp is assumed to still be at-large today.
On 1 January 1985, another victim was found near Jellico, Tennessee, in Campbell County on interstate 75. Although her murder occurred three days before, presumably on December 30, 1984, she was already in an advanced state of decomposition. Like the others, she was white and had short red hair, which was somewhat curly. She was likely between the ages of 17 and 25, although she may have been as old as 30 at the time she was murdered. The victim was found clothed, with a tan pullover, a shirt and jeans. The Jane Doe had green or hazel eyes, which could not be positively confirmed as a certain color because of the state of her body. The young woman also had freckles, various scars and burn marks on her body and was two and a half to five months pregnant when murdered by an undisclosed method. (KEEP READING)
The Spooklight

A light has sporadically been seen over the hills in the small town of Hornet, Missouri for over one-hundred years. While it has never hurt anybody, no-one has ever been able to come up with an ironclad explanation for it.
Aficionados say the best chances for spotting the light occur after dark when parked on Oklahoma East 50 Road, four miles south of the three-state junction of Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma in Ottawa County, Oklahoma and looking to the west. You must sit very silently. The light has been seen in backyards of the area and has been spotted both near to and far away from sightseers. Its color is also not consistent: some eyewitnesses report a greenish glow while others describe it as orange, red, yellow, or even blue. It is almost always said to be in the shape of a ball, although some say it more resembles a camping lantern traveling a couple of feet off the ground. (KEEP READING)
Nathaniel Bar-Jonah

This guy is a murderer + cannibal who started attempting to kill people at 7-years-old. Basically his whole Wikipedia page is creepy AF.
Bar-Jonah’s earliest interest in the taste of human flesh can be traced to his childhood. Beginning at about the age of six, he would pick at his scabs until his skin was festering, then proceed to suck on the blood from the wound. His teachers at Webster Elementary School would call his mother numerous times to notify her that her son’s habit was upsetting to the teachers and students.
When he was incarcerated in Montana State Prison, many of the guards observed him perform the same habit. One guard reported that once Bar-Jonah had the scab in his mouth that he “appeared to be having sex.” (KEEP READING)
Charles Starkweather

Charles Starkweather was a teenage serial killer who slaughtered ten different people within a week, and eleven people within a period of two months. He was aided by his 14-year-old girlfriend. Starkweather committed his first murder after a store clerk refused to sell him a stuffed animal, something he said that opened his mind to the limitless potential of murder and crime.
On January 21, 1958, Starkweather went to Fugate’s [his girlfriend] home. Fugate was not there, and after Fugate’s mother and stepfather, Velda and Marion Bartlett, told him to stay away, Starkweather killed them with his shotgun, then killed their two-year-old daughter Betty Jean by strangling and stabbing her. After Fugate arrived, they hid the bodies behind the house. They remained in the house until shortly before the police, alerted by Fugate’s suspicious grandmother, arrived on January 27.
Starkweather and Fugate drove to the Bennet, Nebraska, farmhouse of seventy-year-old August Meyer, a family friend. Starkweather killed him with a shotgun blast to the head. He also killed Meyer’s dog. (KEEP READING)
Harvey’s Resort Hotel bombing

One of the world’s most complicated and intricate bombs ended up in this Nevada hotel. People were panicking, and for good reason — the police didn’t know how to deactivate it. Hopefully, nobody figures out how to make a bomb this complex ever again…
The Harvey’s Resort Hotel bombing took place on August 26–27, 1980, when three men planted a bomb containing 1,000 pounds (450 kg) of dynamite at Harvey’s Resort Hotel (now “Harveys”) in Stateline, Nevada, United States. The mastermind behind the bomb, millionaire John Birges, was attempting to extort $3 million from the casino, claiming he had lost $750,000 gambling there. The bomb was cleverly built and virtually tamper-proof. (KEEP READING)
New Hampshire
Disappearance of Maura Murray

Murray emailed her professors and work supervisors in February of 2004 to tell them that she had to attend to a family emergency. But there was no family emergency. Later her car was found abandoned on the side of the road, and Murray was never seen again:
Some time after 7:00 pm, a Woodsville, New Hampshire, resident heard a loud thump outside of her house. Through her window she could see a car up against the snowbank along Route 112, also known as Wild Ammonoosuc Road. The car pointed west on the eastbound side of the road. She telephoned the Grafton County Sheriff’s Department at 7:27 pm to report the accident. At about the same time another neighbor saw the car as well as someone walking around the vehicle. She witnessed a third neighbor pull up alongside the vehicle. (KEEP READING)
New Jersey
Shades of Death Road

The sheer quantity of different legends about this road is unbelievably creepy. Besides the usual array of hauntings, Weird NJ reported that polaroid photos of a woman in distress on the side of the road turned up in the 1990s. Just as police began to investigate the eerie event, however, the photos vanished.
There are some legends concerning a Native American spirit guide who supposedly takes the shape of a deer and appears at various points along the road at night. If drivers see him and do not slow down sufficiently enough to avoid a collision, they will soon get into a serious accident with a deer. (KEEP READING)
New Mexico
Roswell UFO incident

In 1947, unidentified objects fell from the sky to the ground in Roswell, New Mexico. A number of contradictory reports came from the government, and many skeptics doubted when the US Government finally claimed the debris were a “weather ballon.” Some witnesses to the crash site claim to have seen non-human bodies, and the event remains an extremely mysterious one in UFO lore.
Between 1978 and the early 1990s, UFO researchers such as Stanton T. Friedman, William Moore, Karl T. Pflock, and the team of Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt interviewed several hundred people who claimed to have had a connection with the events at Roswell in 1947. Hundreds of documents were obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests, along with other documents such as Majestic 12 that were supposedly leaked by insiders. Their conclusions were at least one alien spacecraft crashed near Roswell, alien bodies had been recovered, and a government cover-up of the incident had taken place. (KEEP READING)
New York
Long Island serial killer

Over the last ten years, police have began to suspect a New York serial killer who has been dumping bodies alongside Ocean Parkway. Many of his/her victims have been prostitutes who advertised their services on Craigslist. He remains at-large.
In December 2010, a police officer and his dog on a routine training exercise discovered the first body – “the skeletal remains of a woman in a nearly disintegrated burlap sack”. This discovery led to three more bodies being found two days later in the same area on the north side of the Ocean Parkway. Suffolk County Police Commissioner Richard Dormer said “Four bodies found in the same location pretty much speaks for itself. It’s more than a coincidence. We could have a serial killer.” (KEEP READING)
North Carolina
Carroll A. Deering (ship)

In 1921, this ship was found run aground on shore. Even more strangely, however, the entire crew was gone. The ship’s log, navigation equipment, and lifeboats were all missing as well. None of the crew were ever found.
Paranormal Explanation: The disappearance of the ship’s crew has been cited by innumerable authors dealing with anomalous phenomena and the supernatural.Charles Fort, in his book Lo! (1931), first mentioned this vessel in a “mysterious” context, and many subsequent chroniclers of sea mysteries have followed suit. Since this vessel sailed in the area generally considered to be part of the so-called Bermuda Triangle, the disappearance of the crew has often been tied to this fact. (KEEP READING)
North Dakota
Sophia Eberlein

For some reason, Sophia Eberlein’s new husband Jacob Bentz decided to beat her to death as she slept. He almost got away with it, except Eberlein’s daughter noticed the blood stains.
She married Hugo Eberlein, a well-known Harvey businessman, and had two daughters, Lillian and Alice. After Hugo’s death in 1928, Sophia married Bentz. One night Bentz bludgeoned Sophia to death while she slept. He did his best to clean up the scene of the crime and tried to make Sophie’s death look like a car accident. (KEEP READING)
Cleveland Torso Murderer
In the 1930s, a serial killer ran rampant in Cleveland, Ohio, killing and brutality mutilating at least twelve victims. While this killer — never caught — is almost assuredly dead now, the descriptions of his crimes are terrifying:
The Torso Murderer always beheaded and often dismembered his victims, sometimes also cutting the torso in half; in many cases the cause of death was the decapitation itself. Most of the male victims were castrated, and some victims showed evidence of chemical treatment being applied to their bodies. Many of the victims were found after a considerable period of time following their deaths, sometimes a year or more. This made identification nearly impossible, especially since the heads were often not found. (KEEP READING)
List of ghost towns in Oklahoma

Across Oklahoma, there are dozens of abandoned and empty towns. Just thinking about walking through some small empty village gives me the shivers.
Ghost towns can include sites in various states of disrepair and abandonment. Some sites no longer have any trace of civilization and have reverted to pasture land or empty fields. Other sites are unpopulated but still have standing buildings. Some sites may even have a sizable, though small population, but there are far fewer citizens than in its grander historic past. (KEEP READING)
Black-eyed children

Frequently reported in Oregon, among other states, the Black-Eyed Kids are terrifying creatures who resemble young children with black eyes. There is much debate whether these creatures are aliens or ghosts, but they are 100% scary no matter what.
During one week in September 2014, the British tabloid Daily Star ran three sensationalistic front-page stories about alleged sightings of black-eyed children, connected to the sale of a supposedly haunted pub in Staffordshire. The paper claimed a “shock rise in sightings around the world”. Alleged sightings are taken seriously by ghost hunters, some of whom believe black eyed children to be extraterrestrials, vampires, or ghosts. (KEEP READING)
Philadelphia Experiment

After World War II, multiple people came forward to claim that they had been apart of a secret experiment to make ships invisible or warp through space / time. While some of these rumors have been discredited the story is incredibly eerie.
On January 13, 1955, Jessup received a letter from a man who identified himself as one “Carlos Allende.” In the letter, Allende informed Jessup of the “Philadelphia Experiment,” alluding to two poorly sourced contemporary newspaper articles as proof. Allende directly responded to Jessup’s call for research on the “Unified Field Theory,” which he referred to as “UFT.” According to Allende, Einstein had developed the theory, but had suppressed it, since mankind was not ready for it… (KEEP READING)
Rhode Island
Oscar (therapy cat)
Oscar the cat lives in a Rhode Island nursing home where he is said to predict patients’ imminent deaths. When a patient is near death, Oscar cuddles up next to them and spends a great deal of time with them.
After Oscar had been at Steere House for around six months, staff noticed that Oscar often chose to nap next to residents who died within several hours of his arrival. It seemed to staff as if Oscar were trying to comfort and provide company to people as they died.
After Oscar accurately predicted 25 deaths, staff started calling family members of residents as soon as they discovered him sleeping next to someone in order to notify them and give them an opportunity to say goodbye before the impending death. As of January 2010, Oscar had accurately predicted approximately 50 patients’ deaths. (KEEP READING)
South Carolina
2016 clown sightings

2016 has been consumed by sightings of creepy clowns chasing children and harassing traffic. These sightings all started at a South Carolina apartment complex, where weird clowns were said to be trying to lure children into the woods and an abandoned cabin with candy and money.
On 18 September 2016, in State College, a clown was seen acting strangely at the parking lot of a YMCA early in the morning. In late September, reports stated that an individual dressed as an angry clown was seen with a knife around the wooded areas behind of Kistler Elementary School. A Reading High School student was stabbed and killed by someone in a clown mask on September 25. (KEEP READING)
South Dakota
Henry Weston Smith

Smith lived in South Dakota during the height of the gold rush in the area, and chose to minister to the people rather than search for riches. One day, when walking out of town to give a sermon, he was murdered. His body was found on the side of the road by a traveler.
Unfortunately, Smith was murdered as he walked to Crook City, his body found alongside the road by a local resident, the exact location no longer remembered. […] A theory, however, held that he was murdered by a person or persons representing the saloons, brothels, casinos, and other ‘vice dens’ of Deadwood, who feared that his preaching would cut into their income. (KEEP READING)
Bell Witch

The Bell Witch, often called “Kate,” was blamed for attacking the family of John Bell Sr. in 1817. The witch is said to have cursed the family, and gained notoriety across the country. At one point even Andrew Jackson himself went to investigate the witch, but was scared off.
John Bell Sr., who made his living as a farmer, resided with his family in Adams, Tennessee in the early 1800s. According to folklore in 1817, his family came under attack by a witch.
In the 1894 book An Authenticated History of the Bell Witch, author Martin Van Buren Ingram claims that the poltergeist’s name was Kate, and that she frequently cursed the Bell family out loud. The activity centered on the Bells’ youngest daughter, Betsy, and worsened after she became engaged to one Joshua Gardner. (KEEP READING)
Genene Jones
Genene Jones was a pediatric nurse who was an infant serial killer in Texas. She injected toxic substances into infants, in order to heroically “save” the infants afterward. Oftentimes, however, the infants did not survive the injections. The hospital attempted to cover up Jones’ crimes, but she was eventually convicted of murder. She will be released from prison on 2018.
She then took a position at a pediatric physician’s clinic in Kerrville, Texas, near San Antonio. It was here that she was charged with poisoning six children. The doctor in the office discovered puncture marks in a bottle of succinylcholine in the drug storage, where only she and Jones had access. Contents of the apparently full bottle were later found to be diluted. Succinylcholine is a powerful paralytic that causes temporary paralysis of all skeletal muscles, as well as those that control breathing. (KEEP READING)
Skinwalker Ranch
This creepy ranch has constantly been surrounded by numerous rumors and eerie stories. It is apparently a hot spot for UFO activity, among other things…
The ranch, located in west Uintah County bordering the Ute Indian Reservation, was popularly dubbed the “UFO ranch” due to its ostensible 50-year history of odd events said to have taken place there. Knapp and Kelleher cite the 1974 book The Utah UFO Display: A Scientist’s Report by Frank Salisbury and Joseph “Junior” Hicks, which details an earlier investigation into alleged UFO sightings in the Uintah County region, as partial confirmation of their account. According to Kelleher and Knapp, they saw or investigated evidence of close to 100 incidents that include vanishing and mutilated cattle, sightings of unidentified flying objects or orbs, large animals with piercing red eyes that they say were not injured when struck by bullets, and invisible objects emitting destructive magnetic fields. (KEEP READING)
Bennington Triangle

The Bennington Triangle is the “Bermuda Triangle” of Vermont. Dozens of people have journeyed through this area of the state, and have never been seen again.
Between 1945 and 1950 five people disappeared in the Bennington area. The first occurred on November 12, 1945 when 74-year-old Middie Rivers disappeared while out hunting. Rivers was guiding a group of four hunters up the mountains. On the way back Rivers got ahead of the rest of the group and was never seen again. (KEEP READING)
The Bunny Man
Source: Weird US
As if the image wasn’t creepy enough, the “Bunny Man” is said to harass people at Virginia’s Colchester Overpass. People have said to find dead rabbit carcasses around the bridge, and sightings of the Bunny Man peak around Halloween. Rumor says that the Bunny Man is an inmate who escaped when an asylum was transferring patients via bus.
In 1904, an asylum prison in Clifton, Virginia was shut down by successful petition of the growing population of residents in Fairfax County. During the transfer of inmates to a new facility, one of the fifteen transports crashed; most, including the driver, were killed, ten escaped. A search party found all but one of them.
During this time, locals allegedly began to find hundreds of cleanly skinned, half-eaten carcasses of rabbits hanging from the trees in the surrounding areas. Another search of the area was ordered, and the police located the remains of Marcus Wallster, left in a similar fashion to the rabbit carcasses hanging in a nearby tree or under a bridge overpass—also known as the “Bunny Man Bridge” (KEEP READING)
D. B. Cooper
A man under the alias “Don Cooper” (reported as D.B. Cooper) took a plane hostage in exchange for ransom money. When he got his cash, he parachuted out of the plane and was never seen again. While authorities *think* he died, the money given to him has been found in circulation, and no body was ever found.
Flight 305, approximately one-third full, took off on schedule at 2:50 pm, local time (PST). Cooper passed a note to Florence Schaffner, the flight attendant situated nearest to him in a jump seat attached to the aft stair door. Schaffner, assuming the note contained a lonely businessman’s phone number, dropped it unopened into her purse. Cooper leaned toward her and whispered, “Miss, you’d better look at that note. I have a bomb. (KEEP READING)
West Virginia
Sodder children disappearance

On Christmas Eve, a fire engulfed the Sodder family home. Firefighters managed to rescue the parents and four of their children. However, five were still missing.
The bodies of the missing five were never recovered, and the Sodder family remained convinced that they were alive.
The telephone rang at 12:30 a.m. Jennie woke and went downstairs to answer it. It was a woman whose voice she did not recognize, asking for a name she was not familiar with, with the sound of laughter and clinking glasses in the background. She told the caller she had reached a wrong number, later recalling the woman’s “weird laugh”. She hung up and returned to bed.
At 1:00 a.m. Jennie was again awakened by a sound of an object hitting the house’s roof with a loud bang, then a rolling noise. After hearing nothing further, she went back to sleep. After another half hour she woke up again, smelling smoke. When she got up again she found that the room George used for his office was on fire, around the telephone line and fuse box. She woke him and he in turn woke his older sons. (KEEP READING)
Boy Scout Lane

Legend of the road states that a local Scoutmaster took his Boy Scout troop on a hike down the path, and then murdered them all. Many ghostly sightings and experiences have been cited on or near the road.
Other variations of the story exist including one in which the Scouts are killed after their bus crashes or accidentally catches fire. There is also a version in which the Scouts vanish without explanation and are never found. In some versions of the legend, two Boy Scouts escaped the fate of the rest of the troop and tried to find help, only to become lost in the woods where they die of starvation and/or exposure. In most variations of the legend it is said that the dead Scouts haunt the forest where they died and can be heard hiking through the undergrowth, or their lights can be seen at night as they seek help or their fellow Scouts. (KEEP READING)
Lil’ Miss murder

Lisa Marie Kimmell was traveling through the state of Wyoming when she mysteriously went missing. Police records showed that she had gotten a ticket in Douglas, Wyoming while en route — proving she had been there at some point. Eventually, it was DNA that solved this creepy road murder case.
Lisa’s murder may have been part of a pattern of serial murders, known as the Great Basin Murders, which took place between 1983 and 1996.[3] Most of the victims were young women who initially disappeared, only to be later found murdered. Because her body was located in a popular fishing spot (creating a public spectacle) and that her car was buried on his property (kept as a trophy) it is believed that Eaton exhibited some of the tell-tale signs of being a serial killer (KEEP READING).