30 Ridiculously Foolish Tweets That Will Make You Laugh Your Ass Off

1. Yes, so similar…

Source: Tumblr

2. Those things didn’t exist in the 90s…

Source: Tumblr

3. WTF

Source: Tumblr

4. Our country is 100% doomed

Source: Tumblr

5. Girl, you do what you want in bed — but keep it to yourself.

Source: Tumblr

6. Plz let this one be fake.

Source: Tumblr

7. What calendar are you using??

Source: Tumblr

8. What a keeper.

Source: Tumblr


Source: Tumblr

10. Nobody knows. Maybe it’s on his sekrit birth certificate

Source: Tumblr

11. I can’t even.

Source: Tumblr

12. The answer to everything is yes.

Source: Tumblr

13. *logs off the internet forever*

Source: Tumblr

14. me 2

Source: Tumblr


Source: Tumblr

16. brain power must be what’s LOADING. . . .

Source: Tumblr

17. that hashtag though

Source: Tumblr

18. u r so close to the answer

Source: Tumblr

19. okay have fun

Source: Tumblr

20. LMAO


21. does this girl ever learn??


22. GEE, I wonder how

Source: Tumblr

23. plz tell me more about the country Antartica

Source: Tumblr


Source: Tumblr

25. You should be taken for quartz?

Source: Tumblr

26. orly?

Source: Tumblr

27. this must by why people are afraid of HGTV

Source: Tumblr

28. No Words.

Source: Tumblr

29. H-E-L-P.

Source: Tumblr

30. Idk, who knows?

Source: Tumblr

About the author

Jacob Geers

Jacob has written things @ Thought Catalog. Maybe Like him👍 and Follow him🙋?

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