Best. Prank. Ever. Watch This Brother Trick His High Sister Into Believing Zombies Are After Them
It all starts when Millicent goes to get her wisdom teeth removed!

“Any final words Millicent?” Her brother asks. “No!” She responds with a laugh.
But she has no idea of the laugh that is about to come!

After the surgery Millicent is totally high on the medication she got when her wisdom teeth were removed. Her brother comes to pick her up.
But on the way home there is a weird radio annoucement:

“State and local officials have reported cases of high fever, nausea, death, and even cannibalism. Stay in place until further notice.”
And the prank amps up even another step with a phone call from mom, urging both of them to get back to the house right away.

Finally, the two of them make it back home and the brother begins frantically putting stuff in the car.

The sister, however, totally isn’t having it — and hilarity ensues.

“We have guns!! Why are you putting garden equipment in the car??”
And another hilarious moment comes when the brother forces his sister to chose between taking the dog or the cat with them.

“The cat, you idiot!”
And the poor dog?

Apparently he was on his way out anyway.
Throughout the video, despite her drugged up state, Millicent showed some half-decent survival skills, like when her brother asked whether they should stop at CostCo for supplies.

“No, it’s gonna be a bloodbath in there!”