Here Is The Scariest Urban Legend From Every State
Alabama — Hell’s Gate Bridge

Rumor says that a young couple once lost their lives driving off the bridge. The bridge’s pleasant name comes from local legend, that states — on certain nights — if you stop your car and turn around, you will gaze right into a fiery hell.
The bridge has been closed to traffic for the last few years, but still attracts a great number of curious pedestrians.
Alaska — The “Bushman”

Ancient legend states that the Alaskan Bushman (aka Big Foot) is descended from a species of creatures known as the “Tornits.” Apparently, a long long time ago, the Inuit native people and the Tornits once harmoniously shared the upper reaches of Alaska. This peaceful arrangement ended when an Inuit killed a Tornit for destroying his kayak; resulting in most Tornits migrating elsewhere.
The ones who stayed, however, were angry. What has followed is hundreds of years of stories of hunters going missing, and only turning up dead and mutilated. People are still seeing these creature(s) today.
Arizona — Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine

Many, many down-on-their-luck people have died trying to discover the missing mine of gold that German immigrant Jacob Waltz supposedly located in the 1800s.
People desperately searching for these mines have been found without their heads; have been attacked by snipers; and have just completely vanished.
Arkansas — The Dog Boy

Legend states that Gerald Floyd Bettis was a deranged lunatic who gained supernatural (probably satanic) powers by performing grotesque experiments on dogs. He even added onto his house so he would have a separate wing for his torturous activities. Neighbors have since reported, years later, that they could hear the helpless animals howl from houses away.
In recent years, various owners have reported a number of ghostly sightings, including men that resemble Bettis, perhaps indicating his desire to keep up his antics — even after death.
California — Alien Blood Poisons Entire Hospital

Over two dozen emergency room staff were KOed after a woman named Gloria Ramirez had her blood drawn in the ER. The very second her blood began being sampled, a foul odor filled the entire area and Ramirez’s skin began taking on an oily sheen.
Suddenly, multiple medical support staff began to pass out and / or lose control of their limbs. The entire Emergency room was evacuated, save for a skeleton crew of doctors still trying to save Ramirez’s life. They failed, and she died forty minutes after being admitted.

This created a media frenzy, with many outside theorists supposing that Ramirez wasn’t human. There has been no ironclad “official” explanation for what happened in 1984 at Riverside General Hospital.
Colorado — The Denver Airport is an occult / Satanic temple
This story seems really surprised me at first, but after looking into it, the whole thing is a little strange.
Allegedly, the Denver International Airport (DIA) was riddled with construction delays and was extremely over budget. No one contractor was allowed to finish the entire thing, with individual contractors building certain wings of the airport.

The whole thing is supposedly riddled with occult and Satanic symbols; like the death horse for the biblical book of Revelation, or the New World Order plaque. The airport runways also apparently resemble a Swastika. It seems like the “New World Order” has been kinda reckless with their symbols, if this is true, but you be the judge.
Connecticut — The Melon Heads

This creepy-ass rumor isn’t just confined to Connecticut, but the state is arguably the epicenter of it. The most oft-repeated version of the myth states that the creatures are escapees of an insane asylum that burnt to the ground, and that their strange appearance is due to subsequent cannibalism and inbreeding. Melon heads are said to eat anyone in their path, so best not to get in it.
Delaware — Mr. Chews

So they say, there used to be a Dover judge by the name of Samuel Chews; who people mocked relentlessly for his last name. They would fake sneeze in his presence, or refer to him as “Ah, Chew!”
Even after his death, the mocking continued, with some of the townspeople warning that taunting the dead could bring ill omens to the town. And it did.
Mr. Chews was said to personally haunt everyone who had made fun of him, and set them into uncontrollable fits of sneezing. Someone later had the bright idea of reburying him in a very pompous and honorable burial, which seems to have quelled much of the trouble.
Florida — The Devil’s Chair

Urban legend states that if you journey to this cemetery in the tiny town of Cassadaga, you will find an assortment of bricks called the “devil’s chair” where Satan likes to chill every so often.
The chair itself is a graveside bench where, according to popular belief, if you leave an open beer, it will be emptied by morning. I guess being the devil is a lot of work!
Georgia — Baby Bridge

A poor farming family was expecting a fifth child, and the husband knew they didn’t have enough money to care for it. He made the doctor agree to kill the baby immediately after its birth (without his wife’s knowledge).
So, as agreed, right after delivery the doctor walked the baby to a nearby bridge and threw it off to its death. Now, according to legend, if you drive to the bridge on a full moon and sprinkle baby powder around your car you will see tiny footprints in the powder and hear the distant sound of a baby crying.
Hawaii — The Night Marchers
According to island legend, The Night Marchers are a band of ancient spirit warriors who may be looking to reclaim lost land or avenge their deaths. They are solid apparitions that people see mostly at night during very specific times. People say that if you connect eyes with the marchers while in progress, you will seal the death of yourself or a loved one. People are encouraged to get low, or even play dead.
While some people cast skepticism on these stories, many locals speak very positively about their existence, and warn people to run like hell if they hear drums approaching.
Idaho — Haunted High School

A lot of creepy stuff has happened at Pocatello High School, but nothing more chilling than security camera footage from 2014 that shows a shadow figure moving on camera. Ghost hunters say it is some of the most conclusive evidence of paranormal activity on there, as the shadow actually moves on camera.
The shadow appears to cause the lights to flicker on and off, and its presence was so definite it actually triggered a security alarm in the building (which police responded to). The school is home to a number of other eerie legends, however. Six students have died at the school over the years, including several from a suicide pact where girls hung themselves from their lockers.
Illinois — Rapist clown luring kids in his van (!!)

Homey the Clown was a late 1980s television character, but for kids in the Chicago area in 1991 he was also something much much worse.
“Homey the Clown” was a physcopath who dressed in a clown costume who was said to drive around in a white fan and kidnap little kids to rape them. A group of people managed to track Homey down to the Chicago project-area, but were never able to capture him. Police were on his trail for some time too, but when they were unable to catch him he was deemed an urban myth and forgotten. Some say that he was killed by one of the gangs in the area. Despite all this, many people still have VERY vivid memories of Homey:

Indiana — The Crosley Monster

If stories are to be believed, there is an Indiana-based version of bigfoot running around and scaring the bejesus out of people. Multiple people have reported this seven foot tall, yellow eyed beast; so many, that the phenomenon got an examination in a local newspaper.
Iowa — The Black Angel of Council Bluff

There are numerous eerie legends that surround this ominous cemetery statue. Some say that it vanishes from its stone stand at night, and flies around the graveyard. Others say that they have seen its eyes light up. Others still warn that children who run out of site behind it’s figure at night will completely vanish.
The statue was built in the memory of Ruth Ann Dodge, who had numerous disturbing dreams leading up to her death. She says that in her dream, an angel offered her a cup of water that would give her immortality, and she drank it. Dodge died a few days later, but perhaps she exists forever in the form of this black angel.
Kansas — The Hamburger Man

This is one of the strangest, and most disturbing urban legends on here.
So the story goes, there is a deformed man who was maimed in a car crash or house fire. He lives in a shack somewhere on Hamburger Hill in Hutchinson, Kansas. He is a cannibal who hunts people who dare to roam the hill alone at night. He kidnaps them, and grinds their body down (while they are still alive) to a meaty hamburger-like mixture for his dinner.
Kentucky — Sleepy Hollow Road

Sleep Hollow Road is a winding two-lane road that wraps itself through the state. Named after the dark Washington Irving story, the road has its fair share of spooky stories.
People claim to hear terrified baby screams along the road near “Crybaby bridge” where desperate parents would allegedly throw their sickly babies to their death. People have also claimed to be tailgated by driverless black hearses on the road. And as if things couldn’t get any worse, others have claimed that somewhere along the road is “Devil’s Point” where Satanic rituals were held in the 1970s and 80s. Residents who have been there for decades still claim to have heard chants and sacrifices along the road.
Louisiana — Ellerbe Road “Demon” School

Ellerbe Road School — officially named George Washington Carver High School — is now a crumbling shell of a building, but once may have been the scene of dozens of terrible, evil things.
The stories tell of vanishing children and an evil janitor who molested, tortured, and killed them. Even the closing of the school in 1972 hasn’t quelled the rumors, with numerous claims that devil worshippers have held Satanic rituals on the abandoned campus. A local historian confirmed these claims with pictures of a sacrificed boar he found inside the building. The building is currently slated for demolition.
Maine — The Mackworth Island Tree

This creepy (mostly dead) tree sits on a small island off of Maine. The tree itself isn’t what spooks people, but rather the faces carved into it. Said to be carved by ancient Native Americans who still haunt the area. It is also situated next to a pet cemetery, where people have claimed to see the specters of horses, dogs, and cats.
Maryland — The Goatman

The Goatman is said to be a crazed scientist who was employed at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. Rumor states that he did a number of grotesque and torturous experiments on goats, and that one such experiment backfired and caused him severe brain damage.
He now roams the area, oftentimes wielding an axe, and is blamed for the mysterious (but violent) deaths of pets, small animals, and some humans. Some say that there has been more eye witness evidence for goatman than any other supernatural creature.
Massachusetts — Taunton State Hospital

Taunton State Hospital was a mental facility that housed some pretty horrifying characters, including Jane Toppan, who confessed that her ambition was to kill more “helpless people” than anyone else in history. She killed at least 31 patients who were under her care as a nurse.
However, if legends are to be believed, those running the hospital may have been more depraved than the interned. Widespread popular belief claims that desperation drove much of the staff to convert to Satanism, and in attempts to “cure” their patients, they would perform rituals with / on them in the hospital basement.
Michigan — The Michigan Triangle

Like the popularly known Bermuda Triangle, the “Michigan Triangle” in Lake Michigan has consumed many different aircraft and boats without any explanation.
Many skeptics claim that many storms form on the lake, and claim that weather is to blame for these strange disappearances. But that might only be part of the story. Under the lake, archeologists have discovered a ring of prehistoric rocks that appear to be the remains of an ancient civilization’s temple. Mysterious red lights have also been seen over the lake, leading many to theorize that UFOs are to blame for the downed plans.
The lake is also said to have “electronic fog” which causes time to speed up or slow down.
Minnesota — Dead Man’s Trail

Old legends say that an old Native American hid along this trail when he was on the run after being convicted of murdering a European. Other legends say the trail got its name from a Native American woman who set her baby down while being pursued by authorities — intending to come back for him — but upon returning, realized he had been swept into the river. Many people have claimed to see this woman frantically searching for her baby along the trail; among other mysterious phenomenon.
Mississippi — Secret disease covered up by government

During the late 1950s there was rioting in Mississippi because effected residents didn’t believe the government was doing enough to combat the Mercritis disease. According to legend, the disease caused women to perceive a hormonal odor off of men, which compelled them to kill the unlucky man. The epidemic came to its height when an entire village of women chased one single man into a freezing river, where they all drowned.
Many people allege that the government engaged in a massive cover-up because they didn’t have a cure.

Missouri — Dead body under hotel mattress

A common urban legend that is actually true.
A patron checked into a Kansas City, Missouri hotel and complained multiple times to the hotel staff about an extremely foul odor. After blowing him off a few times, housekeeping finally checked the room out, but found the source of the odor was a dead body under the bed.
Montana — Flathead Lake Monster

Reports of the Flathead Lake Monster have been escalating recently, with more and more people saying that they’ve seen something…out of the ordinary. The picture above is theorized to be a “baby” monster, with the mama and papa still out there somewhere…

Nebraska — Sadistic Farmers vs. Bunnies

A rather disturbing old tale tells the story of two farmers who take a road trip to buy extra powerful fireworks that were not for sale Nebraska. They brought the fireworks back to their farmhouse, and got extremely drunk before the “celebrations.”
Looking out from their porch upon the field, they spy some rabbits in the distance. Remembering what a nuisance the rabbits were to the crops, the farmers decide to get some sadistic pleasure with the fireworks and the rabbits.
They strapped each rabbits to a firework, and watch them run off into the distance before they blew up. Laughing hysterically, they tied one last bunny onto a firework, and watched it run. This rabbit, however, ran the opposite direction toward the farmers’ beloved truck. Seconds before detonating, the bunny jumped through the driver seat’s window and blew up the truck.
Nevada — Area 51

Area 51 had been dodged with rumors of the paranormal pretty much since it “opened.” Many people claim that the base is a focal point in the United States’ effort to control and suppress alien presences in the country. Others claim to have seen flying saucers and even alien bodies at the facility. The military has recently acknowledged the existence of the base, but insists that there are no aliens to be found there.
New Hampshire — First Alien Abduction

New Hampshire isn’t always the first place you think of when you think of aliens, but according to urban legend, it is the home of the very first alien abduction. Betty and Barney Hill were driving home one night when they saw a strange light in the sky. After watching it for a few moments, they went to drive home, but found it was a few hours later than it was only moments before. Under hypnotism, they remembered being probed and experimented on.
New Jersey — The Jersey Devil

A Native American witch predicted that her 13th baby would be a demon, and so she wasn’t surprised when she gave birth to a devil-human hybrid. The baby initially looked normal — at least until it grew a horn and satanic tail.
The creature then fled, but we seen frequently over the next 300 years. Even Napoleon Bonaparte’s brother swore to observe the creature while he was visiting New Jersey.
New Mexico — Chupacabra

Not an animal you want as a pet. So they say, the Chupacabra is a vicious beast that feeds on goats and other animals. Reports initially came from Puerto Rico and Mexico, but the nasty creature apparently visited the United States too, with reports of vicious attacks all across New Mexico.
New York — The Rake

Starting in the early 2000s, a number of bizarre stories began to surface about a creature nobody had ever seen before. It is said to resemble Gollum (from Lord of the Rings) and induce their prey to feel, extreme, or even violent, emotions. Anyone who looks the Rake in the eye becomes its victim, oftentimes a very drawn-out and emotionally turbulent slog to death.
Allegedly, there is even evidence of people’s encounter with the Rake. Here is a “suicide note” from someone who is said to be a victim of its odious stalking:
“As I prepare to take my life, I feel it necessary to assuage any guilt or pain I have introduced through this act. It is not the fault of anyone other than him. For once I awoke and felt his presence. And once I awoke and saw his form. Once again I awoke and heard his voice, and looked into his eyes. I cannot sleep without fear of what I might next awake to experience. I cannot ever wake. Goodbye.” (Source)
North Carolina — The Beast of Bladenboro

Stories of the beast first arose in the 1950s, where a number of livestock animals were found with their jaws broken and blood completely drained. Witnesses claimed to see some sort of “wolf” or “giant cat” preening over the animals and draining them of their blood. The town began to arrange for group hunts to kill the animal, but the attacks suddenly stopped.
Then in 2006, it all started again. The attacks got so much attention, the History Channel sent in a team from Monsters Quest to try to figure it out. They concluded the attacker *might* be a cougar. Or might not…
North Dakota — UFO Invasion?

In the summer of 1966 there was a huge influx of UFO sightings in northern United States, particularly in North Dakota. While, typically, these sightings can be explained by clouds or aircraft, subjects drew sketches of objects that did not appear…Earth-like?

While the government tried to claim that rockets had launched in August — the month at the epicenter of these claims — there still seems to be lingering questions about whether these “rockets” and their exhaust trail can explain these eerie sightings.
Ohio — Satan’s Hollow

Allegedly a portal to hell, Satan’s Hollow is one of the most mysterious and disturbing legends I’ve ever come across. Part of an old sewer system, the tunnels are said to be haunted by a “shadowman,” and other angry spirits.
According to popular belief, satanists used to use the tunnel system as their headquarters, and that somewhere inside the maze of sewers is the “alter room” where they had ceremonies and sacrifices; culminating in a human sacrifice that they made in order to summon Satan himself. Some say they were successful.
Oklahoma — The “Hex House”

Carol Ann Smith was a woman who lived in Tulsa in the 1940s. Smith kept to herself, except for the loud rituals she held in her home. Neighbors eventually called the cops, who found two women in cages in Smith’s basement. They had been there for over 10 years. Smith was thrown in jail, but people say that her house’s foundations are still around, and that they attract a fair amount of negative paranormal activity.
Oregon — Crater Lake

Crater Lake has been plagued with countless mysterious events and disappearances. Hikers have found mutilated bodies on trails around the lake, and both UFOs and Bigfoot seem to be frequent guests.
A body was found in the 1970s that had seemingly been melted into its own clothing. The body’s boots were gone, and the socks were found several feet away — filled with toe bones.
The list of people who went missing (and are still missing!) near the lake goes on, and on, and on.
Pennsylvania — The Cult House and Devil’s Road
Technically labeled on maps as Cossart Road, this windy street is dodged with dark rumors and spooky tales. Along this scary road, is also a scary house, known as the “Cult House.” Black SUVs are said to be parked outside when there are occupants in the home, and the vehicles have been said to chase away curious drivers.
Depending on who you ask, the house is either owned by a Satanic cult, the KKK, or an extremely wealthy family who insists on intermarrying each other to keep their fortune in the family.
Rhode Island — The “Conjuring” House

You know that movie “The Conjuring?” Well, it was based on a true story that happened in a real house — and this is it.
The residents of the house actually say that the movie is a pretty accurate representation of what happened — with a few artistic license taken here and there. An ancient satanist named Bathsheba really did haunt the house, and really did possess one of the kids (allegedly).
South Carolina — The Lizard Man

First spotted by a car driver who describes his reaction at the monster coming at him:
“I looked back and saw something running across the field towards me. It was about 25 yards away and I saw red eyes glowing. I ran into the car and as I locked it, the thing grabbed the door handle. I could see him from the neck down – the three big fingers, long black nails and green rough skin. It was strong and angry. I looked in my mirror and saw a blur of green running. I could see his toes and then he jumped on the roof of my car. I thought I heard a grunt and then I could see his fingers through the front windshield, where they curled around on the roof. I sped up and swerved to shake the creature off.” (Source)
The “lizard man” as he has been dubbed, has been seen several times since the initial report. Civilians and police alike have also reported finding abandoned cars with bizarre bite and scratch marks imprinted on them.
Rumors of his existence sprang back into public discourse after a woman claimed to snap a picture of the lizard man (above) in 2015.
South Dakota — Ghost Joggers

At least these ghosts are trying to stay in shape, right? Apparently on 26th Street, if you are jogging or driving by yourself at night, you can see two shadow people running on the side of the road. Legend says that two university students died while running on the road, and they haven’t stopped working out since.
Tennessee — Skinning Tom

This old legend is the tale of a man named Tom who met a pretty girl in town and began dating her. What Tom didn’t know, however, is that the girl was already married. At some point in this courtship, her husband found out, and began plotting revenge on his cheating wife and her paramour.
He staked out a local lover’s lane that he knew they spent time at, and watched them make out in the car. He then emerged from the bushes and stabbed his wife in the stomach. The husband then turned his attention to Tom, and skinned the man alive.
Rumors that say around the lover’s lane a ghostly figure with no skin, and dripping blood, will pass on his pain to anyone who crosses his path.
Texas — Galveston Ghost Face

No matter what anyone tries, this ghostly face will not disappear off the UT Medical School building in Galveston. Legend says that the face is of a man who originally owned the building and didn’t want it donated to the medical school.
People who attended the school assure everyone that it is not fake.

Utah — Killer in cop’s clothing

It’s pretty much a nightmare, right? You need help, and are so relieved to see a cop, but they are actually a murderer.
Well, this horror story actually happened in Utah. Serial killer Ted Bundy dressed up in a police uniform and told a women that her car had been broken into and he needed her to come to the station to file a report. Her suspicious were aroused when he picked her up in a plain car — not a cop cruiser — and when he tried to cuff her, she kicked up in the jewels and ran to the real police station.
Vermont — Bennington Triangle

The Bennington Triangle has been a persistent epicenter for bizarre and strange happenings. UFOs have been seen within its boundaries, Big Foot has been sighted more than a few times, and people seem to disappear almost left and right. One of the most prominent cases was that of Paula Jean Welden (pictured above) who vanished while walking a path that cut through the triangle. The search got so widespread that the college she attended actually closed so that students could help look for her. She was never found.
Virginia — The Bunny Man

In the early 1970s report began to surface of a person in a Bunny costume running around Fairfax, Virginia and threatening people with a large axe. At least four official police reports were made by different people that encountered this terrifying rabbit.
According to legend, an insane asylum was successfully shut down after a public petition and the inmates were being transferred to another facility. One of the vans transferring patients crashed however, and one of the inmates was never found. That inmate, Douglas J. Grifon, had been placed in the Asylum for killing his entire family on Easter Sunday.
The Halloween after the escape, a group of teenagers were allegedly killed inside his tunnel — with their corpses hung over the bridge — and locals began to avoid the tunnel every Halloween after that.
Washington —13 Steps to Hell

There is a rumor surrounding Maltby’s Cemetery that is astonishingly chilling.
According to popular belief, there was an underground tomb that belonged to a wealthy family that had 13 steps to the bottom. If you walked down the 13 steps, and then turned around and looked up, you would look straight into the depths of hell and lose your sanity. Several children allegedly played this game, and never spoke another word for the rest of their lives.

The tomb was mysteriously bulldozed over a few years ago.
West Virginia — Flatwoods Monster

In the fall of 1952 two brothers and their friend saw something extremely strange in the sky. It was a bright light that appeared to land somewhere off in the distance. The brothers told their mother, and they — along with a state trooper — decided to see if they could track it down.
What they found was a “pulsating ball of fire” and a 10 foot creature that chased them away from the object. When police returned to the area, they noticed an extremely repugnant smell, but the object (and monster) were gone. Other locals reported seeing the object of having an encounter with the monster, but the government says it was just an owl.
Wisconsin — Plastic surgeon experimenting on patients

Glen Tucker was a Wisconsin plastic surgeon who allegedly left dozens of people severely mangled after “performing surgery” on them. Tucker was long-regarded as a “good doctor” but to his patients, he was a monster.
The Miami New Times tells the story of one of his patients — Jan Legman — who Dr. Tucker conned into two surgeries that both seemed to solve none of her problems:
From the start, the second procedure seemed odd. Lehman awoke from the anesthesia to watch Tucker wheel her from a crowded prep room down a hallway. The first operating room was occupied by a janitor mopping the floor. The second was eerily empty.
Lehman passed out again and then awoke with electrical tubing up her nose. Tucker soon entered the room and ripped it out by hand, tearing all the stitches. When she made it home from her second surgery, still dazed and heavily medicated, she knew instinctively her nose was worse than ever, she says.
Other patients had similar experiences. One woman who came in for a breast augmentation procedure ended up having two infections and a square-shaped breast. A woman who wanted excess fat removed after dieting ended up having 13 surgeries. Another man wanted the spasms in his arm to go away, but the surgery was so botched, his arm had to be amputated.
After decades, these suspicious stories began to catch up to Tucker, and so he tried to fake his own death. After the press finally tracked him down to Florida, he said that he no choice to run, and warned the reporter that if he was backed into a corner, he would leave this world, but he “would not leave alone.”
Tucker eventually did leave, and not alone. He killed his wife and cat before turning the gun on himself.
Wyoming —The Wyoming Incident
In 2006, a video similar to the one above began surfacing on the internet with this description:
“The Wyoming Incident (or The Wyoming Hijacking) is a lesser known case of television broadcast hijacking/hacking. A hacker managed to interrupt broadcasts from a local programming channel (believed to serve several smaller communities in the county of Niobrara) and aired his/her own video. The video contained numerous clips of disembodied, human heads showing various emotions and “poses”.
The camera position changed often (usually every ten-to-fifteen seconds) and the video was often interrupted by a “SPECIAL PRESENTATION” announcement. This clip is taken from one of these intervals. The video is mostly locally well-known, and would probably not even be that popular if it were not for the effects it had on the few residents who watched it for an extended period of time.”