You’ve Heard Of Zodiac, Bundy, And B.T.K. Now It’s Time You Heard About The Daylight Savings Time Killer.

“He supposedly stumbled into the Yahara River three years ago after a long night of drinking. That’s why I’m doing this. I graduated with flying colors from Quantico, could have gone anywhere, done anything, but I told them I wanted to be in frozen ass Madison to try and figure out the story with The Daylight Saving Killer. I could tell they wanted to laugh at me.”

Peter took me to the next easel. The thing was littered with stray photos, newspaper clippings, pins on maps around the state of Wisconsin but the thing that stuck out the most were photos of spray paint upon abandoned buildings and roadsides. All the photos contained spray painted portraits of clocks, the gaps between where 2 and 3 would lie all darkened.

“But it all makes sense if you think about it. All these young men went missing on the nights the past thirteen years when daylight saving time has come to an end. Not too far from where they found each body they found the same spray painting.”

“It’s coming right up again, on Halloween,” I said.

Peter stared at the easel.

“It is. Maybe you can help me.”


One Day Before the End of Daylight Saving

I ran my fingers across the stiff brim of the stack of twenties one more time. I had never seen so much money in my entire life. It felt fake, like it was a prop for some kind of 20s gangster movie.

But it wasn’t fake, Peter gave me $25,000 to help him with the case the next few days. He was desperate and had to work covertly.

My job would be similar to the one I did for Christopher. I was once again bait, but this time I was bait for someone far more sinister than a blonde college kid with a cleft in his chin. I believed Peter’s theory about The Daylight Saving Killer, but I wasn’t afraid. I saw the opportunity as a new beginning. Not only could I start a new life somewhere nice with the money Peter gave me, I could probably sell my story into a book or something if I was able to catch the killer.

Peter believed the killer put serious importance into the end of daylight saving time to the point he killed, or at least abducted his victims, during the two to three a.m. time period when clocks rolled back. He found the phrase “In the Invisible Hour” scrawled near a couple locations where they had discovered bodies.

About the author

Jack Follman

Jack has written professionally as a journalist, fiction writer, and ghost writer. For more information, visit his website.

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