The Strangest Thing Happened To Us In This Nevada Desert Town
“Do you know what a little America is?” Kyle uttered the first words either of us had spoken since we had left San Francisco five hours ago.
By Jack Follman
“I don’t know. So expensive there. A one-room apartment probably costs as much as a mansion here.”
“Yeah, but San Francisco’s not any better,” I spoke the words while thinking “where the fuck is Kyle?”
“What does your boyfriend do there?” The waitress asked after staring at my barren left ring finger.
I took a deep breath, assuming it was nearly impossible to not see that I was annoyed about the whole situation at this point.
“Uh, he is a wedding photographer.”
“Oh,” the waitress gave a quick laugh before going on. “Is that a real job?”
I couldn’t help but laugh.
“I know what you mean.”
“I always wanted to go to New York, or San Francisco,” the waitress said and kicked back into her chair in a whimsical manner. “But things didn’t really work out for me.”
I could tell that the waitress was waiting for me to say something like “what happened?” but I didn’t care, I was pretty much only concerned with the men’s room door that remained closed.
“I was living around here when I was 15 and started working at a diner in town. The owner seemed like a real nice old man. He hired me even though I was young and it was my first job. So when he asked me to come out to his place by the lake one weekend, I did it. Caught the bus all the way over to Tahoe and went to his house. My parents were fine with it. Maybe they just didn’t care, but I went out there.”
I shot a look to the men’s room again. Nothing.