Troy Freyee

15 Reasons Why Almost Relationships Can Be A Great Thing For Your Personal Growth

12. They don't put a hold on your life


Troy Freyee
Troy Freyee

1.  They answer questions you didn’t know you were asking

Almost relationships happen at times in our lives when we’re unconsciously looking for answers within ourselves. We attract certain people because they mirror certain things we haven’t yet figured out. We may be vulnerable, at a blurry place in life, or focused on other goals other than love. When we meet such people, it’s a good time to assess our mental hygiene and ask ourselves “Who am I?”.

2. They give you plenty of time to focus on yourself

Almost relationships don’t mean you’ll have to always make room in your schedule for your partner or making dead serious plans with them. You can meet them when you want, when you can, and definitely not every day. That leaves you time to take care of your life, work on your own goals and set things in order for yourself while enjoying a pleasant company when you choose to. This is a great thing especially if none of you is interested in doing everything together.

3. They help you see what you truly want in a partner

They may not be the one connection you’ve been craving for, neither your kindred spirit. Instead, the person you meet may shake off your ground and make you question what you truly expect, like or dislike in a future partner. Consider your almost relationship a good training for the real deal.

4. They make up for good rebound relationships

If you’ve recently got out of a relationship that’s left you wounded, less sane or deeply hurt, connecting with someone new just for fun, for the little things that make you smile again or for the good sex can be a good stepping stone towards recovery. None of you wants something serious right now and no strings attached can also mean letting go of a toxic attachment from your past.

5. The time you spend together is more intense

Almost relationships are nonetheless powerful connections. Imagine feeling great, confident and sexy each time you see your date, not to mention the bedroom is always on fire. You both enjoy this intensity and you treasure it much more because you know it won’t last forever.

6. You are not bound to a person, place or plan

This works great if you’re constantly on the road, working hard on your career or if you like to keep your options always open. It’s also great if you don’t want a long distance relationship or a committed partnership and you just like to go with the flow and staying focused on your goals, while having a great conversation partner or a steamy night once in a while.

7. You get to have a lot of personal space

You will have evenings by yourself reading that pile of books you saved from 2016, you’ll be able to make your own schedule and stick to it, you’ll have plenty of room to decorate your flat as you wish. You’ll also get a good chance to reconnect with yourself and see what really makes you tick.

8. You can always meet new people

A relationship that doesn’t require exclusive commitments means you are free to wander and stumble upon people you might like, fall in love with or even decide to move in with. You might meet your soulmate or future partner even if you have a fuck buddy or an “almost” fling with someone else. Your options are open, and you shouldn’t be afraid to hurt your almost partner’s feelings, because almost relationships are really not about keeping someone tied to yourself.

9. They are fun, exciting and enriching

They can bring whimsical adventures to your life or make you try new things for the first time. They can inspire you to take new challenges in your life or grow as a person in ways you didn’t see possible before. They can open your eyes to new possibilities.

10. They are simply different than traditional relationships

They are more easy going and less cluttered. That doesn’t mean they are better or worse, it simply means they offer an entirely different experience of love and partnership.

11. They will teach you important lessons about yourself

They will help you understand why you do some of the things you do, why you reject certain people or why you have unhealthy life patterns.

12. They don’t put a hold on your life

Almost relationships won’t stop you from relocating, travelling or achieving your dreams. You won’t have to decide whether you move in together, and you won’t have to split the bills. You also won’t have to deal with jealousy or remorse.

13. You can choose to leave without explanations

Yes, you can! Not sure about it? Consider this: they will understand. It was never meant to be. Relax, take a deep breathe and close the door as you remove yourself from their life. They’ll forgive you.

14. They make you less judgemental

One of the ways in which you’ll grow fundamentally is understanding people and relationships are different, and that there’s no societal norm regarding how you and a partner should be together. You’ll become more open to understand people in similar situations and you’ll realize not all committed relationships are happy relationships.

15. They are a life altering experience

I once had an almost relationship with a guy I grew infatuated with. It was hard, because I fell in love and he didn’t, but what happened was that he proved an excellent incentive for my writing. So one day in that almost relationship, I wrote a poem and sent it over to a magazine. A couple months later, they gave me a job. I moved to a different country for that job, changed my enter life, met my current partner and even published a book. If it weren’t for that almost romance, life may have taken a different turn. But the thing is, I’d never want to go back and change the course of things. Falling in love, whether requited or not, changes us forever, and I am grateful for that experience.  Thought Catalog Logo Mark