Holly Riordan
Astrology Expert
Grief + Mental Health Writer
Holly Riordan is a graduate of Stony Brook University who has spent seven years writing for Thought Catalog and Collective World. She has amassed close to a billion reads on her articles about modern relationships, mental health, grief, and astrology.
She is also the author of the twisty thriller, The Guilty Twin, and the science fiction novel, Forget Her.
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Collective World Articles
4 Lonely Zodiacs Who Feel Alone Even When Surrounded By Humans
Sometimes, you might feel lonely while standing in a crowd of people. You might feel like no one else understands you,…
4 Zodiac Signs Happier Single Than With MIA Partners
Most zodiacs want a partner who is present. Who shows up when they promise they will show up. Who treats you…
4 Birth Months That Achieve Inner Calm By Their 60s
It’s normal to care what others think, to want to impress them, to want to make them proud. However, it’s important…
4 Birth Months Who Must Learn To Trust Their Intuition
Some people assume that they always know best. Even if they are lacking information, they will feel like they have everything…
Articles by
Holly Riordan
Little Things Anxiety Tricks You Into Feeling Bad About
You’ll feel bad about having nothing to add to a conversation. When there’s a lull in conversation or you have trouble answering a text, you might feel like you’re a terrible conversationalist.
You Don’t Have To Give That Toxic Human Another Chance
You don’t have to give them another chance just because they’re asking for one, because they’re down on their knees, because they’re crying about how much they love you and couldn’t imagine living without you.
Getting Back Together Would Be A Big Mistake
Getting back together might be tempting, but you need to remember why you walked away in the first place.
7 Tactics Toxic Humans Will Use To Convince You To Stay
They will make you feel trapped. They will convince you that no one else will ever love you the way that they love you.
Love Is About The Soft Quiet Moments
Love is about spreading a blanket across your partner when they fall asleep on the couch watching movies. Turning the car on for them and scraping ice off the windows so they have an easy morning.
If You Don’t Have These 11 Things, Your Relationship Could Fall Apart
Relationships can be hard work – but they should also feel safe, comfortable, and fun. They should be a source of joy, not stress.
If They Don’t Text Back, They’re Not Worth The Trouble
Maybe they have a busy life. Maybe there are other things on their mind. Maybe they are swamped with responsibilities that are bigger than you and them.
When You Love Someone, Give Them Every Piece Of You
It’s scary to get into a new relationship with a new person because you’re giving them the potential to break your heart. You’re allowing them to hold a certain amount of power over you.
Stop Searching For Closure: Things That Will Make Healing From Your Heartache Harder
It’s never easy to get over a heartbreak, whether you were in a long-term relationship or had a huge crush that lasted years. However, it’s always possible to move on.
You’re Allowed To Walk Away: These 6 Things Aren’t Actually Selfish
You’re not selfish for saying no when someone asks you to do something that makes you uncomfortable. You’re allowed to have standards. You’re allowed to assert boundaries.
Walking Away From An Almost Relationship Is Heartbreaking
Walking away from an almost is heartbreaking because your feelings for them were strong – even if they weren’t returned completely. Even if you never ended up getting the official label that you were waiting for.
Don’t Waste Your Energy On Someone Who Ghosted
Don’t waste your energy on someone who ghosted you. Don’t settle for someone who isn’t able to do the bare minimum for you.
Signs Your Love Is Temporary (And They’ll Leave Soon)
Some people are meant to come into your world for short periods of time before parting ways with you. That doesn’t make the relationship any less meaningful — but it can make it incredibly painful.
Please, Say Goodbye To Your Almost
Say goodbye to your almost because they might never become more. They might always keep you hovering on the edge of a relationship, begging for more, waiting for scraps.
Starting Over Beats Staying In The Wrong Relationship
Starting from scratch is scary. You don’t want to leave behind everything that you’ve built with this other person.
Stop Pretending Not To Care About Your Crush
You don’t have to be afraid of your own emotions. Yes, it’s scary to develop feelings for someone who might not return them. It’s scary to open up your heart and give someone else the chance to break it.
When You Love Someone, You Celebrate Their Successes
When you love someone, you support their hopes and dreams. You push them to reach their full potential. You don’t hold them back out of fear of losing them.
Anxiety Means Putting In Constant Effort (And Exhausting Yourself)
Social anxiety means you have to push past your discomfort anytime you want to send a text, answer an email, or make a phone call.