Holly Riordan

Astrology Expert
Grief + Mental Health Writer

      Holly Riordan is a graduate of Stony Brook University who has spent seven years writing for Thought Catalog and Collective World. She has amassed close to a billion reads on her articles about modern relationships, mental health, grief, and astrology. 
She is also the author of the twisty thriller, The Guilty Twin, and the science fiction novel, Forget Her.


Table of Contents

Collective World Articles

Articles by
Holly Riordan

8 Red Flags That He’s Going To Ghost

Sometimes, you won’t see ghosting coming. Someone will disappear out of your life without warning when you least expect it. However, this doesn’t have to be a surprise.

How A Woman With Anxiety Loves Differently

We need a while to calm down after arguments. Anxiety takes time to fade. That’s why we need you to be careful with your tone. We need you to show us respect, even when we’re annoyed with each other.

Texting Back Is The Bare Minimum

Too many people settle for the bare minimum because they think that asking for more is going to make them look high maintenance or greedy.

Never Let A Man Undervalue You

Never let yourself accept the bare minimum. Never let someone talk you into feeling like you’re getting a good deal when you’re getting so much less than you deserve.