Holly Riordan

Astrology Expert
Grief + Mental Health Writer
Holly Riordan is a graduate of Stony Brook University who has spent seven years writing for Thought Catalog and Collective World. She has amassed close to a billion reads on her articles about modern relationships, mental health, grief, and astrology.
She is also the author of the twisty thriller, The Guilty Twin, and the science fiction novel, Forget Her.
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Collective World Articles
4 Zodiacs Who Stumble Into Their Ideal Selves Later In Life
Some people know exactly who they are from a young age. But others need some time to figure out what their…
4 Birth Months That Master Inner Zen By Their 60s
It’s normal to care what others think, to want to impress them, to want to make them proud. However, it’s important…
Your Massively Large Relationship Fear, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries That you’re going to settle down too early and miss out on adventures. Taurus That you’re going to grow to…
Each Zodiac Should Be Careful This Pisces Season—Here’s Why
Aries Be careful this Pisces season because there will be more waterworks than you’re expecting. You’re going to find yourself growing…
Articles by
Holly Riordan
Why Girls With Anxiety Sometimes Settle In Relationships
Sometimes, we end up settling because we don’t want to cause waves. We don’t want to bring up whatever is bothering us in the relationship because we’re worried about scaring the other person away.
8 Red Flags That He’s Going To Ghost
Sometimes, you won’t see ghosting coming. Someone will disappear out of your life without warning when you least expect it. However, this doesn’t have to be a surprise.
When You Love Someone, You’ll Give Them More Than The Bare Minimum
When you really love someone, you aren’t going to try to get away with doing the bare minimum. You aren’t going to put in less and less effort as time passes.
If You Want To Stay Together Forever, Turn These 6 Sweet Gestures Into Habits
Show appreciation for your partner. Don’t wait until the holidays to thank them for how much they do for you. Show gratitude every single day.
A Mixed Signals Man Will Never Make You Happy
A mixed signal man will never make you happy because your feelings for him will change by the day. Some days, you’ll feel like you can trust him with your whole heart.
The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Stubborn, Unapologetic Man
The worst relationship of your life will be with an unapologetic man because he will never take responsibility for his actions.
The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With Someone Secretly Toxic
The worst relationship of your life will be with someone secretly toxic. After all, if their red flags are apparent right away, then you would never fall for them. You would know better and would take your heart elsewhere.
7 Green Flags That Prove Moving In Together Won’t Be A Mistake
Moving in together is a big deal. You shouldn’t commit to the decision unless you’re sure that this person is good for you.
The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Bare Minimum Man
The worst relationship with your life will be with a bare minimum man because you’ll probably stay longer than you should. You’ll probably have trouble coming up with a reason to leave because technically he isn’t treating you horribly.
How A Woman With Anxiety Loves Differently
We need a while to calm down after arguments. Anxiety takes time to fade. That’s why we need you to be careful with your tone. We need you to show us respect, even when we’re annoyed with each other.
Cutting Out Someone Toxic Is A Form Of Self-Love
And you should never apologize for loving yourself.
7 Red Flags That Prove He’s Just Breadcrumbing You
Breadcrumbing is when someone gives you hope that you’ll end up in a relationship together, but they never actually end up committing to you.
How Women With Trust Issues Love Differently
We take a long time to get comfortable in new relationships. We aren’t going to open our hearts up and spill out our guts right away.
Texting Back Is The Bare Minimum
Too many people settle for the bare minimum because they think that asking for more is going to make them look high maintenance or greedy.
Never Let A Man Undervalue You
Never let yourself accept the bare minimum. Never let someone talk you into feeling like you’re getting a good deal when you’re getting so much less than you deserve.
When Someone Loves You, They Won’t Break Promises
When someone loves you, they’ll keep their word in good times and in bad. Their promises and their behaviors will line up because they would never lie to you. They would never disappoint you.
With Modern Dating, It’s Braver Than Ever To Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve
Modern dating has turned mixed signals and ghosting into the norm. It’s easier than ever to hide your real feelings behind a screen, to leave others on read and drop out of their lives without a word.
6 Powerful Reminders That Will Change The Course Of Your Existence
1. Your comfort zone isn’t a place to make a home. It’s a pit stop where you should rest and recharge. You don’t want to linger for too long because you could get stuck where you don’t belong.