27 People Reveal The Laziest Thing They’ve Ever Done

Thank you to all those that gave permission to publish their comments.
1. There’s an amazing Chinese takeaway place a minutes walk (if that) from my house and I often pay for deliveries. I can’t look the delivery dude in the eye.
2. I used to live directly across the street from a pizza place. At a cross walk.
I would still order delivery rather than walk across the street to get it.
The guy wouldn’t even get in his car most times. I could watch him walk across from my living room.
I’m actually fairly fit. Just didn’t want to put on outdoor clothes.
Yes I tipped decently.
When it would be raining, he’d drive.
– skivian
3. Rotate the batteries twice in the remote. Still wont work, watch Golden Girls marathon.
4. Sometimes, when I’m really hungry, I’ll just take a nap because it’s easier than making food.
– hvonn