27 People Reveal Their Terrifying Real Life Creepy Stories

1. Almost got into a car with a bad person
Out of context, this is an incredibly normal story, but it suddenly gets very creepy after a few months.
One night I went out with a friend near Liverpool St, London. We were in a pub and I wanted to draw more money out so we could get more drinks. I left the pub and walked down toward the cash machine, drew out my cash, then came back. As I went to enter the door to the pub a cabbie pulled up and got out and said “Hey, excuse me?” I said hello back. “I just won the lottery!” he said. “I’ve got champagne and I’m going to have a party, do you want to come?” I laughed it off and told him no thanks and went into the pub.
Months later I was reading the paper on the tube and saw that a serial rapist had been arrested. He was a cab driver operating in London and was luring women into his cab by saying he’d won the lottery and had champagne. I’m guessing it was the exact same guy.