34 Unsettling Photos With Creepy Backstories That Will Keep You Up At Night

29. Alexander Supertramp

Source: Imgur

The top photo is Chris McCandless’ final self taken photo after venturing into the Alaskan wilderness. He’s the inspiration for the film Into the Wild. I believe it’s actually him trying to say goodbye. Soon after this photo was taken he was found dead in an abandoned camper. He starved to death. His skeletal appearance and crazed grin gave me nightmares for days.

30. 9/11 image

Source: Imgur

The famous “Falling Man” image from the 9/11 attacks.

31. Heaven’s Gate

Source: Imgur

A post-mass-suicide photo from the Heaven’s Gate group in 1997. They thought by committing mass suicide, they could get aboard an alien spaceship following the Hale-Bopp comet. They’re all wearing the same thing, including a specific model of Nike athletic shoes.

Not the only photograph from the aftermath, but I remember seeing it 17 years ago and it still gives me chills to think that more than thirty people could be so convinced that nonsense was real that they offed themselves for it.

32. Suicide jumper

Source: Imgur

This photograph is of a woman moments before she hits the ground after jumping from the ledge of the Genesee Hotel in 1942.

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