The Myers-Briggs Types And Whether Or Not They Need A Hug
ENTP: Definitely needs a hug but will never admit it.
ENTJ: Can live without a hug but wouldn’t turn one down.
INTJ: Needs a hug, but doesn’t know they need a hug.
INTP: Is in equal parts terrified of and desperate for a hug.
ESTP: Always down for a bear hug, but has probably already had one today.
ISTP: Needs a hug but will never initiate one.
ESTJ: Will initiate a hug on their own terms, thank you very much.
ISTJ: Will secretly melt inside if hugged.
ESFJ: Is the one providing all of the hugs.
ISFJ: Very much wants a hug but doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable? So like, only if you want a hug?
ISFP: May flinch with surprise upon contact, but wants a hug.
INFP: Needs a hug. Wants a hug. Not going to initiate the hug.
ENFP: Needs a hug. Wants a hug. Is probably currently hugging you.
INFJ: Wait, does someone else need a hug?! Okay!
ENFJ: IS BUSY ASSEMBLING EVERYONE FOR A GROUP HUG, because that is clearly what needs to go down here.