
Here’s What You’re Like In Relationships Based On Your Favorite ‘Friends’ Pairing

Monica And Richard: You have no interest in the commitment-phobic mess that is the modern dating scene.


Ross And Rachel


Let’s get this immediately out of the way. You’re a big fan of passionate, tortured, on-again-off-again relationships. You believe that true love always triumphs in the end, and you’re willing to overlook a LOT to make something good work.

You may be a little idealistic but you can’t say that you’re not invested in your relationships. You never give up on true love, no matter who else or what else gets in your way.

Rachel And Joshua


You have a tendency to be just a wee bit overly optimistic in your relationships. You don’t mind being the person who loves more and you also don’t mind doing some chasing. You know what you want and you go for it – whether it works out or not.

You probably really like that quote “If you’re not willing to sound stupid you don’t deserve to be in love.” And you probably live by it, too.

Rachel And Paul


You want a stable relationship with someone who knows what they want. But instead, you end up dating a lot of grown-up man-babies who barf their emotions all over you. You’re not sure how that keeps happening. You like to think of yourself as a good judge of character, but your relationship history suggests otherwise.

Rachel And Joey


You want to marry your best friend. A perfect date night, to you, is chilling in your sweat pants with a wine bottle, with your favorite person curled up next to you. You’re a low maintenance lover who just wants to have fun with whomever they’re with. You don’t need all the bells and whistles – you just want someone who’s on your level and who likes the things you like.

Joey And Janine


You are always chasing after the person you cannot have. There’s nothing more attractive to you than a challenge and you’re a big fan of going for the person who seems ‘out of your league.’ Of course, your love life has been rocky at best. Once the thrill of the chase wears off, the relationship that follows is usually subpar. And then it’s always on to the next…

Chandler And Janice


You root for the underdog (whichever of the two you perceive to be the underdog). You believe that love pops up in the most unexpected places and every relationship should be given a fair chance.

…That, or you have a really annoying voice and are hoping that someday, someone is going to love you anyway.

Chandler And Kathy


You’re used to dating people who don’t understand you. You’re an incredibly complex person, and you’re aching for someone who just gets you, without you having to bend over backwards trying to repress your inherent weirdness. The problem is, when you actually find such a person, it usually feels too good to be true. Which leads to a whole new host of insecurities…

Monica And Richard


You have no interest in the commitment-phobic mess that is the modern dating scene. You’re looking for a serious relationship with a grown-ass adult who knows what they want, both out of a relationship and out of life. You’re often attracted to people who are older or more established than you are – you’re an old soul at heart and you need someone who takes life as seriously as you do.

Monica And Pete


You fall in love with your head before your heart. You believe that a strong relationship is one that has a practical foundation, built on compatibility and friendship. It can take you a while for you to open up but once you do, you stick by your partners come hell or high water. You’re as committed as they come, mostly because you don’t let your emotions get the best of you.

Monica And Chandler


You want your partner to be the yin to your yang. You believe that opposites not only attract, but complement each other, and you want to be with someone who balances you out. You believe that compatibility > romance and to you, the most romantic thing you could imagine is being with someone who knows you inside out and backwards and still loves and supports you unconditionally.

Carol And Susan


You take absolutely zero shit and you appreciate other people who do the same. You’re attracted to strong personalities who aren’t afraid to go after what they want in life. And when you find such a person, you don’t let anything stand in the way of you being with them. You trust your heart above all else, and you follow it where it leads you, with confidence.

Ross And Emily


You really like annoying people. Or you are a really annoying person. Or both. There’s a lot of nagging and forcing each other to change involved in your relationships. You think that’s what love is supposed to be like? Right?

Ross And Elizabeth


There is nothing more attractive to you than the allure of a forbidden relationship. You’re into authority figures, hard-to-get people or just about anyone else who you’re not supposed to have. Your relationships are often ill-advised and short-lived but hey, you’re having fun.

Ross And Charlie


Your tinder bio definitely includes the term ‘sapiosexual.’ You’re into intellectuals, and being with someone who can keep up with you mentally is incredibly important to you. You believe that attraction begins in the brain, and you’re best suited with someone who believes the same to be true.

Phoebe And David


There is nothing more important to you than having a strong intellectual connection with your partner. You don’t need to have all the same hobbies, interests or past-times – you just need someone with a mind that intrigues you and who is just different enough from you to keep things interesting. The romance naturally follows from there.

Phoebe And Joey


Okay, sure, this pairing never actually happened. But neither did any of your favorite pairings in your own life. You’re an idealistic lover, who enjoys daydreaming about who you could be dating even more than you enjoy actually dating people. Like Phoebe and Joey, what’s in your mind is often far more exciting than what’s in reality.

Phoebe And Mike


You have excellent taste in everything. You’re a fun-loving person who doesn’t take yourself – or life – too seriously. All you want is to find someone who shares your joie-de-vivre and isn’t afraid to call you out on your shit. Simply put, you have this whole ‘dating’ thing in the bag. Thought Catalog Logo Mark