Here Is How Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type Feels About Change
Ne-dominant types are the first to tell you they thrive on change – but in reality, this only applies to changes that they’ve initiated.
Heidi Priebe
Ne-dominant types are the first to tell you they thrive on change – but in reality, this only applies to changes that they’ve initiated. ENFPs and ENTPs like to think of themselves as the masters of their own destinies. They flourish under self-appointed pressure and genuinely enjoy switching up their life path every couple of months or years.
However, hit them with a change they weren’t expecting or don’t approve of and these types will dig in their heels like a bratty second-grader who’s just been told he has to go to school on a Saturday. Change is this type’s forte only when it happens under their own terms – otherwise they’re likely to rile up against the change and forge their own path instead.
Fi-dominant types enjoy variety in their lifestyles as a means of mixing things up – but they crave consistency in their personal relationships and investments. These types like to have a ‘secure base’ that they can return home to – be that a person, a job or a community, before they go exploring. If they have that base, they are more than able to weather outside changes.
However, if the change involves some part of that base, the IxFP’s world is rocked. These types may take an incredibly long time to adjust to losing a loved one, a job that means a great deal to them or any other crucial component of their heart.
Ni-dominant types are generally accepting of the fact that change is a part of life – but that doesn’t necessarily mean they like it. These types are long-term planners through and through, and they dislike having to adjust quickly to any unexpected changes.
As long as they are given adequate time to readjust their plan when a change occurs, the INxJ is generally able to weather it and may even appreciate the different perspective it offers them. However, these types would usually prefer things just sticking to the plan they’d mapped out. Unexpected changes throw them off their game, unless and until they can create a new plan that incorporates the shift.
Te-dominant types tend to be great change-makers in the world – so long as they see a practical purpose for the change. These types aren’t afraid to solve problems that they believe need to be solved, even if those around them are resisting the solutions because they fear change.
That being said, this type dislikes meaningless change. If change is occurring in a chaotic rather than deliberate and organized fashion, the Te-dominant type becomes quickly frustrated. These types wish to direct and control the outcome of their futures, rather than waiting around to ‘see what happens.’ They want change that is meaningful and practical, rather than change for the mere sake of it.
Si-dominant types are not change enthusiasts. These types prefer for change to occur in a gradual way, giving everyone proper time to adjust and react appropriately to the new set of circumstances. Not fans of hasty decision-making, Si-doms will often stay with the way things are until they are absolutely certain that a superior way of doing things exists.
Si-dominant types tend to resist change when it is forced upon them, unless they have been given adequate time to prepare for it and can therefore face it with confidence and trust that things will work out for the better in the long-term.
Of all the personality types, Se-dominant types may be the best at adapting to change. These types enjoy taking things in as they are, and get bored if their environments remain stagnant for too long. Though they’d prefer to create change rather than have it forced on them, these types do well at thinking on their feet and they can often find the opportunity that lies inside of change.
These types can almost always find a way to adjust to whichever changes come their way, and they may find that even the changes they initially avoided ended up bringing a new form of excitement into their lives.
Fe-dominant types are planners – they enjoy having the details of the future worked out, in order to ensure that everyone they love remains comfortable and happy. When a sudden change occurs, these types often scramble to ensure that others are adjusting appropriately and that harmony is being maintained. If the change is positive for those around them, the change is generally a smooth transition for the ExFJ.
However, if the change creates chaos or stress for those around them, the ExFJ takes on this stress as their own. The Fe-dominant type is likely to scramble to rearrange his or her plan for the future when a major change occurs, in order to maintain harmony for those around them. They are likely to feel incredibly stressed during this time, but are also likely to contain the stress in order to not upset others.
Ti-dominant types are not usually proactive in pursuing change, but they are generally able to appreciate the new perspectives it offers them. These types want to see things from every possible angle – but they often get so caught up with research and contemplation that they forget to go experience things from new angles.
These types can find a way to adjust to almost any external change, so long as they are able to make sense of it and find a way to navigate it effectively. Even within chaos, leave it up to the Ti-dominant type to find a system that works.