Here’s Who You’d Be On ‘The Bachelor’ Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type

ENTP: The contestant who drinks too much on night one, jumps in the pool, and is instantly eliminated.
ESFP: The contestant who wins the first impression rose and is targeted for the rest of the season.
INTJ: The contestant who doesn’t get along with the other contestants because they “want to talk smart things,” and gets called out on ‘After The Final Rose.’
ISTJ: The contestant who thinks that everyone else is there for the wrong reasons.
ENTJ: The contestant who probably IS there for the wrong reasons.
ESTJ: The contestant who thinks that winning every physical challenge means winning the show and is super confused when they’re eliminated.
ISTP: The contestant who gets bored and leaves on their own.
INFP: The contestant who opens up about their tragic past in the middle of a raging pool party.
ENFP: The contestant who gets super jealous if they aren’t chosen for all of the fun, adventurous dates.
ISFP: The contestant who’s always crying.
INFJ: The constant who comes onto the show as a skeptic, then ends up genuinely falling for the bachelor/bachelorette.
INTP: The contestant who won’t open up emotionally.
ESTP: The contestant who has a side affair with one of the producers.
ISFJ: The contestant who is DEFINITELY there for the right reasons.
ENFJ: The contestant who makes it to the final three and gives an empowering speech while getting eliminated, earning them the spot as the next bachelor(ette).
ESFJ: The contestant who Wins. Every. Time.