You Should Fall In Love With An Extrovert

Fall in love with an extrovert because they’ll open your world up. They’ll bring you to far-flung destinations, introduce you to fascinating people and expose you to lifestyles you’d never considered.
Fall in love with an extrovert because they’ll be enthralled by you. Because every new person, to an extrovert, is a world to discover and explore. Because they’ll be fascinated by which forces sculpted you into the person you are today. Because they’ll gain endless energy by talking with you, by learning about you, by delving deeply into who you are and what drives and inspires you. Fall in love with an extrovert because no one else will be quite as excited to get to know you.
Fall in love with an extrovert because they’ll push you. Because to an extrovert, simply knowing and understanding is never enough – they have to challenge and change and reform both themselves and the world around them constantly. Because extroverts loathe growing stagnant and this applies to their relationships as well as their very sense of self. Fall in love with an extrovert because they’ll inspire you to grow and change with them, in ways that push you out of your comfort zone.
Fall in love with an extrovert because they’ll be in tune with you. Because your sadness is their sadness, because your pain is their pain. Fall in love with someone who feels connected to everyone around them, because they’ll foster that connection with you, too. Because they’ll be the first person to notice when you’re hurting, and the loudest person clapping when you win.
Fall in love with an extrovert because you’ll never have the same day twice. Because your world will be rocked from its foundation from the first date you go on alongside them, to the last moment you fall asleep beside them. Because nobody will keep you on your toes, keep you guessing and keep you moving quite as quickly as an extroverted partner. Because the world is a playground to the extrovert and they want you to come explore it with them.
Fall in love with an extrovert because their energy is contagious. Because no one else will pick you up on a bad day, make you laugh until your sides ache and force you to forget all of your worries like an extroverted partner will. Because they know what you need to feel better and they aren’t afraid to step up to help right things. They know when it’s connection you’re aching for.
Fall in love with an extrovert because they’re going to show the fuck up. Because the world is the extrovert’s oyster and as long as you’re at the center of it, there’s no length they will not go to to please you. Fall in love with an extrovert because their thirst for exploration and adventure will extend to your relationship.
And loving them may just turn into the greatest adventure of your life.