How To Tell If An ISFP Likes You (As Told By 10 ISFPs)
ISFPs are known for being affectionate and playful – but also highly secretive in nature. It can be a puzzle trying to decipher whether this type likes you as a friend or as something more. Below, 10 ISFPs explain how they behave when they’re romantically interested in someone.

1. “I’m extremely unlikely to show someone I’m romantically interested unless they CLEARLY reciprocate. I turned down my husband three times, even though I was quite attracted to him. He had no idea I had feelings for him until I told him (over the phone, while hiding in the closet, with my voice shaking) that I had changed my mind. I’m all-or-nothing with my heart, so I wasn’t going to enter a relationship for kicks. I’m also very independent and don’t need a romantic relationship to validate my worth.”
2. “I show someone I like them by spending more time with them – but not necessarily alone time. It won’t be obvious like a date. I usually just invite them to come along when I’m hanging out with my other friends.”
3. “My biggest giveaway is proximity. If an ISFP likes you, at some point you’ll notice that we’re always around. Since we know we’re slow to show ourselves we put in the time so you’ll start to see who we are.”
4. “When you talk to an ISFP who likes you, you’ll notice how much we’ve noticed about you – we remember how you order your coffee or that thing you said at that party. Huh, I just made us sound pretty stalkerish. It’s not that – it’s more that we really put in an effort with the best tools we have at our disposal when we like someone.”
5. “I am a huge blusher and it gives me away when I like someone! I just can’t stop smiling and blushing in their presence. It’s all about my body language – if I like you and you’re paying attention, you’ll definitely notice it!”
6. “I’ve always been a go-getter. When I like someone, I don’t shy away from them. If I’m interested, I’ll be extra flirtatious, a little touchy, and pretty bold with my words and actions. But then I usually panic at one point, and do something awkward and shy. Once, I spent weeks making it very obvious I was interested in this guy. When he finally asked me out on our first date, I freaked and brought one of my girl friends! As you can imagine, he wasn’t too thrilled. We are now happily married though, so I guess my boldness and awkwardness swayed him!”
7. “There’s NO way I’m telling you I’m interested. Hahaha… In fact, I’ll do everything in my power to pretend I’m not and act normal, or even maybe avoid you. That is, unless you tell me you’re interested and then it’s all cards on the table. Good luck!”
8. “I’m not great at expressing my feelings for someone – normally when I like someone I think about it for a LONG time first. I imagine us together and see if the crush goes away or if it sticks. If it sticks, I try to find ways to get closer to the person. I’ll go to the parties I know they’ll be at, things like that. And then I usually hope they notice me after a while. I don’t like to make the first move but I believe that if it’s meant to work out, it’ll happen!”
9. “I show I like someone by being playful around them and sending them flirtatious texts. I may also touch them when we’re talking and hope they do the same back. Touch is big for me because it’s my love language!”
10. “When I like someone I don’t want to force things – I usually just try to spend a lot of time around them and hope that something happens naturally. It’s not that I’m waiting for them to make the first move necessarily, it’s more like I’m waiting for the right moment to just appear… Maybe that sounds overly idealistic but that’s how my last two relationships have started!”