How To Tell If An ESTP Likes You (As Told By 10 ESTPs)

ESTPs are known for being the shameless charmers of the MBTI. Consequently, it can be tricky to decipher when this type is flirting for sport and when they’re flirting because they’re genuinely interested in you. Below, 10 ESTPs explain how they behave when they find themselves riddled with a crush.

 Sophia Sinclair
Sophia Sinclair


1. “I feel very awkward when I feel very attracted to someone. Part of the time I will spend feeling very embarrassed and shy (so unlike my usual self) and part of the time I will set my mind to getting what I want by doing all the things that I know attract anyone – being very interested, asking lots of questions, listening, complimenting, making them laugh etc. I will also come up with unusual things to do that I know the person I’m attracted to would love but would never have thought of themselves and then I invite them in a casual way to join me.”


2. “When I like someone I try to grab their attention anyway I can. I’ll do the most embarrassing thing right in front of the guy if needed and it always works, haha. I’ll go and like every single Instagram post of the guy where he’s flexing, I might even go down 5 years in history and like stuff there. I’ll find a way to look ‘weak’ and have him save my life from whatever. And then I’ll make him feel like a real like hero.”


3. “I’ve been told I show off more around people I like. It’s true.”


4. “When I like someone I act normal around them but try to spend more time around them getting to know them. If I like them a lot I might get kind of in my head about it, which is rare for me.”


5. “When I like a guy, I’ll be chatting, flirting, cleaning, studying, doing anything in front of him in the most casually seductive way possible, just for him to notice me. And when he does (he always does), I don’t hesitate to show straight up interest, which in most cases ends up in him asking me for my number or a date. A lot of times I feel like as if I’m acting like a guy should act to get a girl. But then I do it in such a foxy way that it totally sucks the guy into wanting to get to know me better, so I guess it’s not a bad thing that I’m so blunt.”


6. “Anyone I’ve dated will say that I’m a biggest and the cutest flirt they’ve ever met. And the funniest part is, all the guys I’ve been in relationship have told me at some point ‘I’ve never met someone like you. You are so chill but at the same time so insane with the sexiest personality. You are my dream girl.'”


7. “When I like someone I want to get them laughing so they feel comfortable around me. I might make fun of them playfully, trying to get a bit of a rise out of them. But generally I’ll just be goofy around the person and hope they’re into it.”


8. “I know right away when I like someone but I don’t usually say it explicitly. I’ll just do things for the person – ask them to hang out and then offer to help with things around the house or to fix their car, stuff like that. I might also give them advice or offer to help with things their family or friends need.”


9. “I don’t beat around the bush. When I like someone I tell them. And I buy them things. And I take them on the best dates of their lives. I like the chase and I’m good at it!”


10. “I spoil the women I like. I cook for them, buy them gifts, give them massages, cuddle them and try to make sure they’re always having fun around me. I’m not one to talk about how I’m feeling but I show it. You’re never left guessing if an ESTP likes you. If they do, you’ll know it!” Thought Catalog Logo Mark


Pick up Heidi’s book “How You’ll Do Everything Based On Your Personality Type” here.


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