How To Tell If An ENFP Likes You (As Told By 32 ENFPS)
There are so many things an ENFP will do in a given day - so if an ENFP wants to fit you in between scuba diving and hiking to the nearest waterfall then you know they're interested.
Heidi Priebe
ENFPs are known for being incredibly friendly and unintentionally flirtatious. As a result, it can be difficult to decipher when this outgoing type likes you as a friend and when they like you as something more. Below, 32 ENFPs explain how they’ll act towards you if they’re interested in you romantically.

1. “When I like someone I try to find every reason to be near them, and I ask them a lot of questions when I’m around them. I also am always very smily and complimentary when around my crush (sometimes too much so). I tend to act very excitable and bubbly and defiantly try to please – any little things they suggest doing or trying I’ll get very excited about. I also tend to text them a lot when we are apart – texting about ideas I want to share, funny thoughts that popped into my head, etc. I try my best to charm and not overwhelm though.”
2. “When I like someone I ask them like a thousand questions – what they like, do etc. I’ll be extra observant so that I remember small details that I can surprise them with – for example, I may remember what their favorite kind of chocolate bar is and then bring it home from the supermarket for them.”
3. “I’m very outgoing and chatty with everyone…. EXCEPT someone I’m interested in! My natural goofiness and ease around people disappears because I suddenly get nervous!”
4. “There are so many things an ENFP will do in a given day so if an ENFP wants to put you in between scuba diving and hiking to the nearest waterfall then you know they’re interested. If they invite you to tag along then even better, because I notice sometimes we especially enjoy the solitude in these adventurous pursuits. If an ENFP wants and enjoys your company during their fun yet introverted time outs, its a great sign!”
5. “I want to be around you ALL THE TIME. Like, I want to be around people, but you’re my favorite out of all of them, and I want to be around you basically forever. And as long as you haven’t said something that indicates that I shouldn’t say anything, I’m going to say something. Or, like, I might tell your friend or something, but it’s gonna come out eventually.”
6. “I will make an extra effort to turn up or text back in a promptly manner, which is out of character for me! Also, I’l try and find out what’s unique about you and then tell you how much I love it.”
7. “When I tease you and swear at you, a lot – that’s when you know I’m emotionally attached to you.”
8. “I’m generally very interested in other people, but for those that I am romantically interested in: you’ll definitively see everything my open-minded, fun-loving and creative nature has to offer. Making you laugh by offering a different, bright – or sometimes seemingly mad – perspective is one of my go-to strategies. That, or completely ignoring you and silently (desperately) hoping you’ll break the awkward silent treatment I’m giving you. As an ENFP I want to be appreciated for the unique individual (I think) I am, so anything that makes me stand out to you in that sense should be a dead giveaway.”
9. “I turn off my charm and enthusiasm when they are around, then I bottle up my feelings, then I debate internally about whether or not I should tell them, then I send them a string of long heartfelt texts explaining myself, and end the entire journey with regret.”
10. “Physical contact, physical contact, physical contact. All easily passed off as just being friendly, because heaven forbid you don’t reciprocate and then I’ve put myself out there and then oh no how embarrassing! But lots of shoulder, arm, just passing by touches. I’m also big on sharing random thoughts via text, sharing links and funny ideas.”
11. “I get crushes real hard, real fast. With this influx of feelings generally comes the desire to know someone deeply. So I ask questions. I want to know everything there is to know about them. And frequently I’m very quick to affirm them or let them know how great they are once I have developed feelings for them.”
12. “When I’m romantically interested in someone, I ask them lots of questions and listen and remember everything they tell me. I will typically listen to whatever music they like for long periods of time to try to understand them better. I take every opportunity to brush arms with them and make focused eye contact. Also I tease viciously.”
13. “When I have a crush, I single her out. All my friends are aware of who I’m going for. Eventually, all her friends know too. Then she knows. It eventually becomes impossible for me to treat her as ‘just a friend’ any longer. When I care, I care openly.”
14. “I’m very shy at first around people I like! I act like I’m not interested or try and play it cool (which usually doesn’t work). If I feel like they might be into me I will flirt continuously with them, laugh at all their jokes and touch them at ANY possible chance. I can be very confusing – one minute giving them all my attention, speaking in a sexy soft voice, playfully flirting and the next day I can be shy, sarcastic and almost rude like (of course I don’t mean to I can’t help it if he makes me nervous??)”
15. “I don’t wait around for them to ask me out. I don’t like being the aggresor (seriously, dudes need to get it together), but I do it if I like someone enough.”
16. “Unfortunately, I lose all sense of speech… But I may also turn into a clown when he is around. I touch him and try to be near him a lot. I’m also prone to staring and blushing.”
17. “Signs that I like someone are: high levels of communication. Finding a reason to talk to them everyday. Asking deep questions, wanting to get to know them, wanting to know all about their past as well as their dreams for the future. Engaging in lots of joking, teasing and sassy interactions. Usually, escalating levels of double entendre. Closer proximity. increased casual touching. Prolonged eye contact.”
18. “Being an ENFP it’s difficult to know who i really love, as i like almost all the people in my life. Romantically,I tend to spend more time with the person i like and try to know everything about their life… and I give my 100% attention and time.”
19. “I get extremely thoughtful when I like someone, because they naturally consume most of thoughts. Other than that, I’m either even more of a giggling goober than usual, or I freeze up a little because they make me nervous. A lot of people mistakenly take my usual friendliness the wrong way but when I like you it’s usually really obvious, as much as I wish I were a little more mysterious about it!”
20. “‘Subtly’ glance their way a lot and once you enter into a real conversation with them, it’s all good banter and taking the piss. I think the idea is you want the conversation to focus on the other person so you get to know them, but instead of asking explicitly, you absorb EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF INFO they are giving you and turn it into a joke at their expense. It’s a pretty mean tactic (and I, for one, just wish I could be more forward and simple) But it also helps you confirm your affections for the person. If they can take your crap (and they’re not just being nice about it) – and maybe even give it back – they’ve won your heart and you’ll now proceed to obsess over them quietly 24/7. If they can’t handle that tongue-in-cheek action, then your affections will most likely begin to fade for that person.”
21. “You can tell who I’m interested in based on the relative amount of time I dedicate to them. I tend to spread myself thin and devote myself to a ton of relationships. So if you find me focusing the majority of my time on a specific person, I’m interested.”
22. “If I REALLY like them, I’ll be a little too scared to really flirt with them or approach them directly. Instead, I’ll try to get them to notice me by being particularly effervescent in their presence, involve myself in their social circles, try to get them to catch me being clever or cute or funny. If we’re talking one on one and am a little more comfortable, I will ask them many more questions that I would normally ask someone else. I will be much less overtly or aggressively flirtatious.”
23. “I put myself in a position to see them often by asking for help in a certain situation where I may not even need their help. I also affirm them in unique ways, commenting on their talents or outfit choice. I do whatever I have to do to make them feel noticed and known.”
24. “I stay interested for a long period of time AND I don’t shy away from talking about the future with you. I’m also much more physically affectionate with people I’m serious about; otherwise I’m more reserved because physical touch means so much to me. For example, if I’m sitting on the couch with someone I’m not crazy about, we are probably going to be on opposite ends of the couch and I’ll make sure not even our toes are touching. If I’m really into someone, I’m not opposed to first date couch cuddling. I know with us ENFPs it can be hard to tell if we like you or not, but at least for me, the physicality and interest over a long time are the ways to know for sure.”
25. “It’s sometimes really obvious when I like someone, because we ENFPs cannot contain our excitement over the idea of knowing someone we like. When I like you, I want to know everything about you. I talk to you first. If I’m being very curious about you and always ask questions about what your dreams are, what do you envision your future to be like, then that could be a hint I am interested in you.”
26. “I’m usually watching them a lot. I also say things like ‘I like talking to you’ or ‘I like being around you’ because when I like someone, I cherish their presence. Also I give more hugs than usual. Sometimes I get awkward but I’m mostly just staring them down from across the room and admiring them.”
27. “I’m so busy doing everything I want to do; you know I like you if I make time in my schedule to spend quality time with you.”
28. “When I like someone, I uncharacteristically don’t flirt with them. I just know where they are, what music they listen to, what MBTI type they are and consistently place myself where I know they might be. I try to look at what motivates them and I try being that kind of person around them. Or if I know them well, I’ll tease them endlessly and use my intuition to think of ways to get them to like me and become slightly manipulative. Or I will be incredibly subtle, charming and mysterious if I don’t know them well.”
29. “I always choose their company over all else. I vocalize my love for them openly but not necessarily in a romantic way. In reality, when I love someone I love them purely first and the romantics and physical attraction follow.”
30. “Honestly, half the time I can’t decide if I like the person. But I get really touchy. Like more than usual. And I am just happy around them. It’s this beautiful thing where you just build off each other in a fun way that doesn’t seem annoying or ever get old.”
31. “I actually get pretty shy, and try to maintain an airy ‘I’m not flirting, I’m just talking to you and laughing at your jokes‘ front that is completely natural for me with people I’m not crushing on. But the whole time I’m worried I’m giving myself away, and afterwards I’m worried I didn’t give enough signals to show them I’m interested.”
32. “I would say I let people know I’m interested by flirting, but as an ENFP, my just being friendly is often mistaken for flirting, so I guess a better answer would be… FLIRTING. Just watch how I talk to everyone else – both men and women, friends and strangers – and you’ll know that I’m talking to you VERY differently. With them, it’s friendly and it’s all the same. With someone I’m into, it’s that x10. Once you see it, you can’t miss it.”