11 Artisan Personalities Reveal The Piece Of Wisdom That Turned Their Life Around
"I've learned that I can't convince people to feel a certain way. Including myself."
Heidi Priebe
This week on my MBTI Facebook Page, I asked each type to share a personal epiphany they’d had that had significantly impacted their lives. Here’s what 11 Artisan Personalities – ESFPs, ESTPs, ISFPs and ISTPs – had to say about the particular piece of wisdom that turned things around for them.

1. “I had the realization that, although I am meant to be in the psychology/social work profession, I take on a lot of my clients’ pain if I’m not taking care of myself first. Taking care of myself means a mixture of friends and parties as well as exercise and solitary reflection. My life can’t be all about giving – and that realization impacted my life entirely.” –ESFP
2. “I’ve come to accept that I legitimately can’t fix my own broken heart. It takes (1) God (2) Best friends that have become like Family and (3) my willingness to be open to both of them.” –ESFP
3. “I’ve learned never to regret anything that’s happened to me. I’ve learned from it, I’ve grown from the experiences, and to recognize that I don’t regret any of the choices I’ve made is liberating. And I’m able to forgive myself and move forward learn from every decision.” –ISFP
4. “I’ve learned that not everyone can keep up with me. And that I don’t want to be burned out by trying to slow down to their pace. There’s so much life to live, and so little time to do it!” –ESFP
5. “I’ve learned that sometimes I have to slow down in order to keep up.” –ESTP
6. “A realization I’ve had recently is that I used to think I was an outgoing people person, but I’m more introverted than I thought. I love observing people and figuring out why they do what they do and what makes them tick. But I’d rather be observing the action than be in the middle of it. This realization has helped me accept the fact that I’m an introvert in a society that expects you to be extroverted.” –ISFP
7. “I’ve learned that it’s ok to not be an extrovert. In fact… introverts actually have things to offer that extroverts don’t!” –ISFP
8. “An important thing I’ve realized in my life is that if you want something, you just have to ask for it. No one can read your mind.” –ESTP
9. “I’ve learned that I can’t convince people to feel a certain way. Including myself. Feelings are illogical, but that doesn’t make them invalid.” –ISTP
10. “I’ve realized that sometimes you need to stand up for yourself, and tell people exactly how you feel. In that moment you will find people either leave you or respect you, and you will be better for it.” –ISFP
11. “I’ve always tried to prove myself against SJs in the workplace for their detail and order and NTs for their brilliance which has always led me to fight up against a current. (NFs and I can find an immediate mutual respect). However, only ESFPs truly bring a specific component of networking, inclusion, warmth, and individuality which can never be compared/replaced against the other types. I am still learning but have come to appreciate how special and unique ESFPs are in a corporate environment.” –ESFP