The Power Of Apprehension: 24 People Confess What They Would Do If They Were Not Afraid
“If I weren’t afraid, I would be honest with my friends and family and tell them about the mental health issues I’m dealing with.”
Heidi Priebe

1. “If I weren’t afraid of my family’s reaction, I’d come out as bi. It’s always been easier to just date girls because I seem completely straight and everyone expects it of me. But I also like boys. And I want to be able to openly date them, too.”
2. “If I wasn’t afraid that I’d go broke, I’d quit my full-time job and go freelance with my work. I secretly romanticize the life of a nomad… never staying in one city for longer than a few weeks or months at a time. But I’d worry about supporting myself. I’m not sure if I could make ends meet without a steady job.”
3. “If I weren’t afraid, I’d apply to grad school and just deal with the student loans later.”
4. “If I weren’t afraid of regretting it later I’d get covered in tattoos. I’m talking two full sleeves and a ton of chest stuff. Maybe even neck tattoos. I’m so jealous of people who just go for it and get totally inked. But I worry way too much about what other people think and whether or not I’d still like them in fifty years.”
5. “If I weren’t afraid I’d leave my boyfriend. And I’d just trust that there’s someone out there who’s better for me.”
6. “I’d tell my girlfriend I’m not happy in our relationship anymore and that I want out.”
7. “If I weren’t afraid I’d quit my job. But not just quit. I fantasize about trashing the office, spitting in my boss’s face and letting everyone know exactly how I feel about them and the shitty work they do. Wow, I’m more bitter about this than I thought.”
8. “If I weren’t afraid of what it would do to our family, I’d cut my abusive father out of my life for good.”
9. “If I weren’t afraid of the repercussions I’d tell my coworker that I’m in love with him. And that I know the feeling is mutual. And that I can make him way happier than his current girlfriend does and we both know it.”
10. “If I weren’t afraid, I would just be complete weirdo self instead of constantly trying to blend in with the people around me.”
11. “If I weren’t afraid, I would negotiate for the salary that I actually deserve.”
12. “If I weren’t afraid, I would be honest with my friends and family and tell them about the mental health issues I’m dealing with.”
13. “If I weren’t afraid I’d tell my boyfriend that I don’t think I want kids after all.”
14. “If I weren’t afraid, I’d try basically every drug out there. Soft and hard. I’d probably become a drug addict to be honest, which is what I’m afraid of in the first place.”
15. “If I weren’t afraid I’d speak up about the issues that matter to me instead of standing by while other people make jokes or comments that actually bother me a lot.”
16. “If I weren’t afraid, I’d put my writing out there for other people to see.”
17. “If I weren’t afraid I’d just leave my life and travel. I’d go anywhere and everywhere and not look back. To be honest I just don’t think stability is for me. But it’s what everyone expects of me and it’s infuriating. I just want to be on the run. I think that’s where I belong, even if nobody else understands that.”
18. “If I weren’t afraid I’d tell someone that I’m struggling and that I really need professional help.”
19. “If I weren’t afraid I’d dye my hair purple. Purple hair is fucking sweet.”
20. “If I weren’t afraid I’d move out of state and start over in a place where I know absolutely no one. And I’d pick a career that I actually want, instead of just sticking with the safe job I’m working now. But first I guess I’d have to figure out what it is that I want. That’s honestly the tricky part.”
21. “If I weren’t afraid, I’d become a mother. I’d trust that I could do a better job than my mom did.”
22. “If I weren’t afraid, I’d share my story, to let other victims of domestic abuse know that they’re not alone.”
23. “If I weren’t afraid I’d let myself fall in love again and not worry about what will happen if he ends up breaking my heart.”
24. “If I weren’t afraid I’d tell her I love her. And that I’d marry her today if she’d say yes.”