15 ENTPs Explain The Ways In Which They Defy The ENTP Stereotype
"I don't take any pleasure in arguing. I take pleasure in deconstructing a concept and looking at it from all sides. "
Heidi Priebe
ENTPs – or extroverted, intuitive, thinking perceivers – are known for being clever, inventive and somewhat argumentative and difficult. But not every ENTP fits this bill to a T. Below, 15 ENTPs explain the ways in which they defy the habits that are commonly associated with their personality type.

1. “I’m not a scatterbrained procrastinator. I actually tend to be extremely conscientious when it comes to things I take seriously, like my career. Also, while I do enjoy creative and open minded thinking, I’m not an entrepreneur by any means; I have neither the desire nor the capacity to suddenly start whipping out new inventions.”
2. “ENTPs are known for not caring as much as people think they do. Though that is often true if I’m trying to charm someone, it can also be the complete opposite. I care far more than I will admit about something or someone but I feel like I can’t let anyone know because that would break the cool confidant aura that I’ve worked to create.”
3. “I’m not a troll and I don’t enjoy riling people up. I use my Fe for good – I can be a diplomat and a mediator, and people will actually accept the wild ideas I come up with.”
4. “I’m organized, neat and tidy – and I need lots of alone time.”
5. “I’m an ENTP and I’m in the military. Every message board on the planet will tell you that’s nuts, but I actually don’t suck at it… most of the time.”
6. “I am solidly an ENTP. But when it comes to established relationships with my close friends and family, I act more like an ENFJ. I care about the people around me deeply and I am committed to them, which I don’t think is as incompatible with being an ENTP as people think.”
7. “I like making and following through on plans, especially when it comes to social engagements. It drives me crazy when a group can’t decide on something so I tend to take the reigns and organize other people a lot.”
8. “I am good with money. Sometimes I like to sit at home and just research and disassociate from the world (I’m a type 5 in the Enneagram). I like to keep my house organized and minimalistic. I am very family oriented. I have a very mentor-like personality – for me it’s about sharing knowledge and my way of showing people that you can get through difficult or uncertainty. I like playing sports. I like listening to pop and hip-hop music. I don’t think I am superior to others. I don’t like being the centre of attention unless in small groups. I like to run to help clear my mind. I am not intentionally trying to be an asshole, pretty much ever. I have empathy.”
9. “I am NOT a techno-geek. I am not risky with my wellbeing or with money.”
10. “According to all the ENTP descriptions, I thrive on variety and change. And this is true – up to a point. The most critical thing in all of this is securing my enthusiasm for that variety and/or change. Get me on board and I’ll revolutionize everything with gusto. But tell me I have to do it because XYZ said so, that’s when I get stubborn. Underneath all my eccentricity, I’m intensely logical – so if I can’t see any prospective benefits to that change, I go into ISTJ “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mode. I can focus and work methodically. But I need absolutely silence, no distractions and to not be disturbed until I’m done.”
11. “We are known for being unable to commit or focus or follow through. But when we finally do, we look more like an ENTJ – focused on the prize, on winning, and fully committed. Same with relationships – when we find the one that never makes us bored, we are loyal, committed, and even romantic.”
12. “I’m actually extremely serious at work. I get very irritated when people mess around.”
13. “I don’t take any pleasure in arguing. I take pleasure in deconstructing a concept and looking at it from all sides. I don’t argue for sport, but rather for logic, justice and rationality.”
14. “My Fe is very well developed and I am excellent at reading other people and analyzing group dynamics. That is one of my great interests and primary ways of us my Ne. I also have too much common sense not to commit to things that it make sense to commit to, such as long term relationships, friendships, jobs. But I do entertain a lot of other possibilities in my head. Fantasizing and ‘planning’ for them is enough for me. I think a lot of ENTP descriptions are based on male ENTPs. I feel women are often cultured to be more nurturing and more in tune with their Fe.”
15. “I do care a great deal about people. ENTPs aren’t really like Batman’s “Joker”–we don’t want to watch our world burn and move on to the next thing. We just build lives that our too big for our own heads– people can get stuck in the cracks, but we’ll always find them. Usually.”