Mélanie Villeneuve

10 ENTJs Explain Exactly How To Win Over Their Type

"The most impressive/attractive thing is someone who makes plans and executes them. No matter how simple the plans are."


Mélanie Villeneuve
Mélanie Villeneuve

1. “As a friend, be consistent and just be who you are. As a romantic partner, be upfront. Don’t make me play games, and let me know that you actually KNOW me.”


2. “Show confidence in who you are. Take charge – let me know you wish to own our relationship like I do.”


3. “Be smart, interesting and honest. Excel in every way.”


4. “Don’t talk about it. Just do it! The most impressive/attractive thing is someone who makes plans and executes them. No matter how simple the plans are.”


5. “Don’t take yourself too seriously and be friendly. Respond to my texts and be available to spend time with me.”

6. “Be straight with me. I don’t do subtlety or hints.”


7. “Make a plan and follow through, or at least listen to my plan, ore even act like you have a plan.”


8. “Be confident and consistent and practice good hygiene. That last one should be obvious but unfortunately is not.”


9. “I enjoy a challenge but not an impossible one – so make your intentions clear and please do not play games. I’m not looking to waste my time in any capacity.”


10. “I’m attracted to people who are confident and self-directed but also open to trying new things. Spending quality time together is important to me, so I need someone who is both adventurous and invested.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark


Pick up Heidi’s new book “How You’ll Do Everything Based On Your Personality Type” here.
