25 ENFPs Explain Exactly How To Win Over Their Type
Be willing to be a little unconventional in order to get our attention and keep us interested. For ENFPs, the usual just won't do.
Heidi Priebe

1. “Take me on fun, adventurous dates. I don’t want things to get too intense right away.”
2. “Be sincere, but hard to attain.”
3. “Hear what I don’t say. There’s depth behind the fun personality and it’s important to have that depth seen and appreciated.”
4. “Be unconventional. Don’t be afraid of being different. I won’t judge you. In fact, I’ll enjoy your company more if you have interests no one else I know has.”
5. “Throw me a really sweet romantic surprise when I least expect it. I love surprises!”
6. “Never try to impress me with what you think know. Just let me in to see who you truly are! I can see through the fake shit. Want my attention? Drop me a philosophical what if or ask me my thoughts about aliens. Throw out a coffee date with tarot cards and then followed with a in depth discussion about current environmental crisis. Add in some serious wit, pun and sarcasm play and you’ve got me for life.”
7. “Be enthusiastic about life. From spontaneous road trips to watching a movie in bed, being happy to be is the most important thing of all. Never lose the child inside you!”
8. “Intelligence matters a lot. Don’t be cheap in your tactics. Don’t control or try to be dominating. Tiny gestures go a long way. Nothing is constant in our life but a romantic relationship is what we want consistency in. Be consistent in your affections.”
9. “Be okay when we change our minds at the last minute, and go with the flow. Be genuine, and care about other people. Don’t constantly plan everything.”
10. “Open up! Show me your soul, show me yourself raw, trust me enough to be all you are.”
11. “Tease us, maintain a bit of mystery to challenge us. Don’t tease too hard though, we want to know that you see the best in us and that that means something.”
12. “Come Follow me wherever I go, even to end of the world. Show me how curious and courageous you are. Do this and I’ll give you everything I have and teach you everything I know. And when the whole wide world calls, I will go with you.”
13. “Be my friend before you’re my significant other. Tell me you like my quirks. Get to know my mind and my thoughts and everything that runs through my head.”
14. “Make sure to show your multidimensionality- I want you to be intellectual and ambitious and fun and serious and know when you should be these things. It’s important to know when to give me space; I don’t like people hovering around me all the time, expecting me to make my world revolve around them. If we have common interests, that’s great; but I don’t want you to pretend you like something I do just to win me over. I’d rather get to know the real you. Besides, I think some differences are good to have and liven things up.”
15. “Be adventurous, unique, and different than the norm. Be willing to be a little unconventional in order to get our attention and keep us interested. For ENFPs, the usual just won’t do.”
16. “Don’t shoot down my wild dreams immediately. Help me find the reality slowly. ENFPs love to dream and someone who constantly shoots down your ideas, are not fun. Also, we love surprise getaways, dates, etc.”
17. “Ask me about what really matters to me (my passions, my dreams, etc.) and listen to every word. Make me believe that you can help me make my imagination my reality.”
18. “Adore me, but don’t suffocate me.”
19. “Tell me you like me. Send me messages. Show affection. But don’t make it feel like you expect commitment! Long term plans shall NOT be discussed!”
20. “Don’t be too cheesy or too formal. Be relaxed, take me on adventures, be open for my sponateous ideas, enjoy the moment, be a bit open and be someone I can have good, meaningful conversations with. Have a good sense of humor and try not to take yourself too seriously.”
21. “Accept that I love to have fun and that I will be late 95% of the time and extremely early the other 5% of the time. Love me with a big heart because I have a big heart that I will love you with!”
22. “Be yourself, even if you’re really weird. Challenge my thoughts, but gently.”
23. “Show me you’re interested just a little and let me chase after you. Be open to engaging in some wild all over the place conversations that cover every topic and be open to trying new adventurous things.”
24. “Be honest and authentic. You being happy makes me happy – and interested in what you might bring to the table.”
25. “Be fun, talk about things that matter and cuddle me absolutely senseless.”