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10 ISTJs Explain Exactly How To Win Over Their Type

"Just come out and tell me what you are looking for. I appreciate the straightforwardness."


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1. “Be genuine and real. I don’t appreciate phoney grand gestures or disingenuous small talk.”


2. “When it comes to friends, I look for people that are consistent, loyal, and share some of my values. As far as a romantic partner, I want to know the person before we pursue something beyond a friendship. I enjoy someone who can make me laugh but also discuss more serious matters when need be.”


3. “Just come out and tell me what you are looking for. I appreciate the straightforwardness.”


4. “Understand my need to have a plan for literally everything I do!”


5. “Be enthusiastic – I need someone silly to help me come out of my reserved shell!”


6. “Be honest and give me moral support. That’s most of what I’m looking for in a romantic partner.”


7. “Be blunt, but not forceful. We can be a little dense when it comes to romance so if you want to go on a date with us, please don’t ask us to ‘hang out.’ Just call it a date so we know what we’re getting into.”


8. “I am attracted to people who are friendly and upbeat. Crassness and swearing is a turn-off though. I keep things clean and I’m looking for a partner who does the same.”


9. “Take the initiative with us and set a concrete date and time. And then don’t be late! Punctuality is important to ISTJs as we see it as a sign of respect.”


10. “Please don’t play games – that is confusing and a turn-off. Just be honest, genuine and polite. And please respect the fact that I like to plan things ahead of time. Dating is stressful enough as it is without having plans constantly changing!” Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Pick up Heidi’s new book “How You’ll Do Everything Based On Your Personality Type” here.
