10 ESFJs Explain Exactly How To Win Over Their Type
“Be selfless – offer your help to the people around me who I already care deeply for."
Heidi Priebe

1. “Just be honest and open. And make me feel like I’m a priority.”
2. “Be selfless – offer your help to the people around me who I already care deeply for. Show me you enjoy my company and make an effort to spend time with me, allowing me to find out every last detail about you as a person; your interests, ambitions, hopes,
people you care about – everything.”
3. “Be completely genuine and open. Be open to laugh and open to cry. Let me feel like I can laugh with you, support you while you cry, but also feel comfortable to cry with you. Most people are good at the first two (which we ESFJ’s love!), but it takes a very special kind of person that we always want in our lives to allow us to me nurtured as well.”
4. “Just tell me how much I mean to you and make me feel appreciated.”
5. “Having charisma and a great sense of humor is important. Be flirtatious and fun and confident, but a sweetheart at the core.”
6. “I need someone who is incredibly loyal and persistent.”
7. “Show me respect. I do a lot, and I try really hard with people. Say nice things to me, never insult me, and no, I don’t like fake insults as a form of flirtation.”
8. “Be consistent with me. I need someone I can rely on because I’m looking to build a life with my partner. I don’t just date casually.”
9. “To me, it’s really important that my boyfriend takes the time to get to know my friends and family. My core circle is extremely important to me and if you can win them over, you can probably win over my heart.”
10. “The main thing that’s important is that you just appreciate and respect me. I go way out of my way for the people I care about but I don’t want to become a doormat. We should be able to give freely to each other but also make each other laugh and be goofy together. I want someone who I can rely on but also call a friend.”