The Comprehensive Myers-Briggs Gift Guide
This year, we collected the wackiest, wildest and weirdest items we could find on Shop Catalog and then categorized them by personality type.
Heidi Priebe
ENFPs enjoy gifts that spice up everyday life. This holiday season, pick them out a present that makes their regular routine that much more fun.
For Your ENFP Parent: The No-Hassle Solution To House Cleaning
It was no secret growing up that your ENFP parent wasn’t the fondest of housework. Get them the gadget they wished they always had when you were younger – the vacuum that cleans all on its own.
For Your ENFP Sibling: The Kitchen Tool That Will Remind Them How Fun Adulting Can Be
You’re not the first to worry that your ENFP sibling is going to die of malnutrition because they’re constantly forgetting to eat. Get them this cute, fun tool that makes eating vegetables fun – to ensure that they actually consume a few now and then.
For Your ENFP Significant Other: An Unusual And Magical Getaway
There’s nothing more attractive to the ENFP personality than a new adventure. Surprise them with a trip to an exciting, unusual location that they haven’t ever thought to explore – they’ll be impressed with your ingenuity and enthralled with the upcoming trip.
For Your ENFP Friend: The Camera Strap That Captures Their Adventurous Spirit
So your ENFP friend has been known to put their camera down on a rock now and then and wander off. Help them out with this practical camera strap that is just as adventurous as they are – you’ll fuel their wanderlust-y spirit and help them keep their belongings in check.
For Your ENFP Boss: A Calendar Made Of Bubbles
Your boss is known for making every day at the office fun – and what’s funner than a calendar made of bubbles? Pop your way into the New Year, one delightfully satisfying burst at a time.
For Any ENFP In Your Life: The Comprehensive ENFP Survival Guide
For this surprisingly reflective type, there’s no greater gift you can give them than a better understanding of themselves. Pick up “The Comprehensive ENFP Survival Guide” for the ENFP in your life, and/or anyone who knows and loves them.
Want more ideas for the ENFP in your life? Check out the full ENFP gift collection on Shop Catalog here.
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