Each Myers-Briggs Type’s Kryptonite

INFJ – Perfectionism


Just like our favourite superheroes, each Myers-Briggs personality type has one great weakness – something that simultaneously attracts them and has the power to destroy them. Find your type below to determine which of your inherent traits has the ability to lead you headfirst into both your greatest triumphs and your greatest downfalls.


ISFJ – Self-sacrifice.

ISFJs are down-to-earth, focused and capable – but they’re also self-sacrificing to a fault. This type has a tendency to internalize almost everything that happens to and around them – therefore taking on responsibility for problems that don’t necessarily involve them. The tendency to adopt external problems as their own is the ISFJ’s kryptonite.

ISFP – Sensitivity.

The ISFP’s sensitivity is what makes them brilliantly creative and unique – but it’s also what holds them back in many ways. Because this type dislikes conflict so intensely, they have a tendency to run for the hills as soon as they foresee a tense situation arising – holding them back from pursuing many relationships or opportunities that could otherwise be beneficial for them. This type’s sensitive nature is one of their greatest strengths but their aversion to criticism or conflict is their Achilles heel.

ESFP – The need for approval.

ESFPs have fiercely engaging personalities – this is both their greatest strength and their greatest setback. Though this type is capable of achieving just about anything they set their mind to, they also feel the compulsive need to have everyone around them like them – which occasionally makes them back down from situations that they ought to stand their ground in. The need for approval is in part what makes the ESFP so successful, but it is in equal part their personal kryptonite.

ESFJ – Obedience.

ESFJs are incredibly in tune with the norms, values and expectations of the social world that surrounds them. They are tirelessly careful to not violate any social rules and as a result are often obedient to others’ expectations, even when they are not in complete agreement with them. Learning to stand up for themselves – even if it means violating a social or societal rule – is something the ESFJ needs to work on throughout their lives if they do not want their personal kryptonite to rob them of the things they want most.

ENFP – The ‘Greener Grass’ Syndrome.

ENFPs are ceaselessly scanning the horizons for new, exciting opportunities that they haven’t tried yet. Even when they’re perfectly content with their lives, this enthusiastic type is prone to abandoning a good thing in favor of the next, potentially better thing. Their never-ending quest for the next great thrill – and their corresponding aversion to stick with what they love – is the ENFP’s Achilles heel.

ENFJ – The Urge To Interfere.

ENFJs are highly perceptive individuals, who usually have a keen grasp on what is likely to help or hinder their loved ones. As a consequence, they often feel compelled to intervene in the lives of their loved ones, perceiving themselves to know what’s best for them. This can not only lead to tension and conflict if the ENFJ is not careful, but it will also exhaust them to the core as they try to care for everyone around them at all times. The compulsion to help those who are struggling is the ENFJ’s personal kryptonite.

INFJ – Perfectionism.

INFJs aren’t perfectionists in the stereotypical sense of the word – they aren’t the most detail-oriented type nor are they the most outright neurotic. However, they are prone to deliberating over their options to a detrimental extent – trying so hard to pinpoint the best of all possible options that they end up missing out on opportunities altogether. Attempting to always seek out the most perfect situation – and refusing to take a chance on anything less – is the INFJ’s Achilles heel.

INFP – Idealization Of Others.

People, situations, opportunities, problems – you name it, the INFP can idealize it. This type lives largely inside their own minds and while their wild imaginations help them in many ways, they can also create a disconnect between the INFP and reality, particularly in the arena of love. It is their proneness to idealizing potential partners that so often breaks apart INFP relationships before they even begin – when the other person fails to live up to the standard the INFP had created for them internally. The urge to distort reality with fantasy is the INFP’s kryptonite.

INTP – Inaction.

INTPs see the world in an objective, rational and creative fashion – a mixture of perceptions that almost no other type shares. However, the INTP is often so busy contemplating and readjusting their worldview that they forget to apply their perceptions to real-world actions. The disinclination to act on their thoughts and ideas is the INTP’s kryptonite.

ENTP – Indecision.

ENTPs are enthused about life in almost every capacity – they love planning for the future, speculating over the present and evaluating the past. The world is an all-you-can-eat-buffet for this highly ambitious type and yet they can never decide on just one dish. As excitable as they are ambitious, the ENTP often finds themselves torn between various projects, goals and undertakings, unable to commit to just one. Indecision is the one thing that holds this type back from truly excelling – you might say it is their kryptonite.

INTJ – Sociality.

INTJs are brilliant individuals who can reason their way through just about any situation – except social situations. Before their introverted feeling is developed, INTJs often experience difficulty picking up on social nuances, which makes navigating the external world a challenge for them. They may see a clear path to the implementation of their goals, but if they must network or win over people to get there, they will experience difficulty along the way. Socialization is the one realm that logic does not always apply to, and it is therefore INTJ’s personal kryptonite.

ENTJ – Competitiveness.

ENTJs see a direct route to everything they want – and what they want is to be the best at everything. While this highly resourceful type is prone to dominating opponents at much of what they do, the urge to win can occasionally get the better of them. They may find themselves ignoring the long-term consequences of many of their actions as they fight to keep the upper hand in the short-term. The desire to always be on top (rather than to play the long game) is the ENTJ’s kryptonite.

ISTJ – Change.

ISTJs are all about quality. They want to use the tried and true method of getting everything done – because why take a chance on something that hasn’t proven itself to be reliable? Though this quality is useful for the ISTJ in many ways, it also makes them highly resistant to change. They have trouble believing without seeing, so they often resist changes until they’ve had enough time to concretely witness the positive outcomes of the change – by which point, the rest of society has already moved onto something new.

ISTP – Passiveness.

ISTPs are incredibly analytical thinkers, who can quickly determine the most direct route to getting something done. However, this type prefers analyzing systems to acting on them – which means that many of their brilliant ideas never come to fruition. Despite being incredibly capable individuals by nature, the ISTP’s passiveness often causes them to underperform.

ESTJ – Subjectivity.

ESTJs are incredibly logical individuals who truly believe that they see the world in the most clear, objective fashion possible. What this type often fails to realize, however, is that their value judgments of the world are highly subjective. What they deem as important is not what the next person deems as important and vice versa. Failing to realize this, the ESTJ often spends a great deal of time frustrated with others for behaving illogically. If this highly rational type were a little more comfortable with accepting that everyone looks at the world differently, they’d be able to save time on lecturing others and use that time to get more sh*t done.

ESTP – Impulsivity.

ESTPs are incredibly resourceful and capable – but their impulsivity often gets the better of them, causing them to cave into short-term desires rather than pursuing long-term achievements. A quick, on-the-fly reaction time is at the core of this type’s personality – but it’s also their Achilles heel. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Heidi Priebe explains how to manage the ups, downs and inside-outs of everyday life as an ENFP in her new book available here.
