13 ISTJs Explain The One Thing They Wish Others Understood About Their Personalities
ISTJs are the practical, loyal duty-fulfillers of the MBTI. This type takes their commitments seriously but they also don’t want their entire personality to be boxed into the description of a four-letter type. This week on my MBTI Facebook page, I asked ISTJs what others don’t seem to understand about their personalities. Here’s what they had to say.

1. “Just because we’re insanely organized and routine-driven doesn’t mean we’re boring or miserable or no fun! We cut loose more than you think.”
2. “As much as we love rules, routine, and order, it’s OK to surprise us. We need a little spontaneity to break things up, as long as it’s nothing illegal or contrary to our morals.”
3. “We are so loyal – sometimes too loyal – but that doesn’t mean we like being taken advantage of.”
4. “We do actually have emotions.”
5. “I’m more open-minded than I seem. Yes I always want to do things the proper way but if your way is proven to be superior to mine, I’ll be open to it – even if I’m reluctant at first.”
6. “We’re not always angry. We just aren’t bubbly or outgoing people. Don’t assume that just because we’re being quiet, something’s wrong.”
7. “Extroverted, feeler types, don’t tone yourselves down around us! We like your energy. It gets us to open up and feel comfortable.”
8. “If we’re poking fun at you or being sarcastic towards you, it means we like you. If we didn’t like you, we’d just avoid you.”
9. “We don’t like tradition for tradition’s sake. We like tradition because it imposes order in our lives and points out what has worked well in the past. Traditions exist for a reason.”
10. “Our lives are about practicality and efficiency. Please show up on time and follow through on the commitments you make. We take those small acts of respect very seriously.”
11. “Not everybody earns our respect but if you do, we’ll be incredibly loyal to you.”
12. “My morals aren’t set in stone. Many of them have changed over the course of my life and I’m sure that they’ll continue to change as I age – even though it may take a year or fifty.”
13. “We are not all the same! There’s a stereotype that ISTJs are all carbon copies of one another but nothing could be further from the truth. I have a different set of beliefs and a different lifestyle than many of the other ISTJs I know. How we’ve been raised and what experiences we’ve had has a large influence on our personalities. Don’t assume that knowing one ISTJ means you know them all!”