12 ENTJs Explain The One Thing They Wish Others Understood About Their Personality
ENTJs are the efficient, analytical “Commanders” of the MBTI. They are known for their take-charge attitude and long-term vision. While this type has few reservations expressing how things ought to be done, they are a little more reluctant to open up about who they are at their core. This week on my MBTI Facebook page, I asked ENTJs what they wished the other types understood about their personality. Here’s what they had to say.
1. Our direct and emphatic engagement often comes more from enthusiasm than any sense finality. I absolutely believe wholeheartedly in my opinion and will defend it until I have convincing new information to adjust it, and I ALWAYS want new information. We are passionate about truth and the pursuit of it.
2. I’m not bossy for the sake of being bossy. I just can’t stand inefficiencies, and if I think I can do a better job leading, I’ll do it without asking you, cause it needs to get done. Productivity is numero uno.
3. Didn’t mean to come across so bossy and sharp. Just so damn hard to calibrate.
4. We have no problem speaking up for ourselves and taking action on what we want, so our first instinct is to assume that if someone else isn’t protesting or counter-acting what we’re doing, they agree with us. If you don’t agree, just let us know. We want a system that works for everyone but we don’t naturally pick up on subtleties.
5. ENTJs don’t always want to be in charge and in fact, sometimes wish others would take some initiative.
6. Being confident in our decisions doesn’t mean we’re eternally set in our ways. If you have a good suggestion that makes sense, we’re listening.
7. Winning is everything. Being the best at everything is a need, not a want.
8. We don’t scoff at emotions (entirely). We just know that making the best of all possible choices leads to the most positive of all possible emotions. So we reason first and feel (satisfied, usually) later.
9. The best way to offend me, is to not be honest. Just be forthright and honest. I love to excel and improve and can handle it all.
10. We are not better than anyone else nor our opinions are the only solution, but we need to look at the big picture and do what needs to be done and act promptly upon what is best for the situation. It’s not personal and I’m not angry.
11. We’re not cold-hearted creatures. We actually really enjoy the company of others, we just have high expectations of us and everyone else. We really enjoy working towards a goal and love to lead other people towards it as well. As a result, we hate inefficency. We just want you to know that it’s not that we dislike your way, we just want to get things done.
12. We do care about people. After all, who else is going to implement our amazing ideas?