Here’s Which Myers-Briggs Type You’re Most Likely To Mistype As
Because INFPs live in a world of identity possibilities, they are the most prone of any personality type to mistyping as something else.
Heidi Priebe
Most likely to mistype as: INFJ
Why the mistype happens: INTJs value self-improvement quite highly, which can lead them to develop their tertiary function – introverted feeling – to an impressive extent. This type tends to place a high value on peace and harmony, despite the ‘calculating overlord’ stereotype they are so often thrust into. An INTJ who is unfamiliar with cognitive functions may type as an INFJ, as their values and principles often line up with those of a feeler’s.
Also likely to mistype as: ENTJ
Why this mistype happens: INTJs are highly concerned with maintaining order in their external environment, which causes them to call on their auxiliary function, extroverted thinking, quite regularly. This may make them appear extroverted to those who don’t know the INTJ particularly well. The main way to distinguish whether you are an ENTJ or an INTJ is to examine which tertiary function you’re more comfortable with – INTJs are quite comfortable analyzing their emotions and values but are less comfortable with athletic pursuits, whereas ENTJs are more confident in their athletic abilities but less comfortable analyzing emotions.
Types that are most likely to mistype as INTJ: INFJ, ENTJ, ISTJ
Most likely to mistype as: INTJ
Why the mistype happens: Though ENTJs enjoy the company of others, they tend to value efficiency above human interaction and will often choose working alone over working with others if they believe that it’s the best way to get the job done (and it often is). This may cause them to incorrectly assume that they are introverts. The main way to distinguish whether you are an ENTJ or an INTJ is to examine which tertiary function you’re more comfortable with – INTJs are quite comfortable analyzing their emotions and values but are less comfortable with athletic pursuits, whereas ENTJs are more confident in their athletic abilities but less comfortable analyzing emotions. An ENTJ is also much quicker to act than an INTJ, who places a slightly higher value on accuracy than efficiency.
Also likely to mistype as: ENTP
Why the mistype happens: Because ENTJs are highly unconventional in their thinking, they may identify highly with their loosy-goosy cousin the ENTP. The main differentiation between the types is their end goal: An ENTP enjoys analyzing various sides of a situation for the sake of analysis alone, whereas the ENTJ analyzes various options as they pertain to a specific desired outcome. These two types actually share zero cognitive functions and this mistype is easily resolved through learning about the cognitive functions and how they manifest.
Types that are most likely to mistype as ENTJ: ENTP, INTJ, ENFJ
Most likely to mistype as: INTP
Why the mistype happens: ENTPs lead with extroverted intuition, which is an idea-oriented function rather than a people-oriented one – for this reason, the ENTP does not require as much social interaction as the average extrovert. This type prefers the company of others who they can debate and brainstorm with – they’d rather be alone than in the company of those who do not stimulate them intellectually. To differentiate between the INTP and the ENTP, a good trick is to examine which tertiary function they’re most comfortable with. An ENTP is often adept at tuning into the feelings of those around them, thanks to their tertiary extroverted feeling, but they are uncomfortable relying on tried-and-true methods to get things done. An INTP is more aware than the ENTP of their physical needs but finds it quite difficult to adequately assess what those around them are feeling.
Also likely to mistype as: ENTJ
Why the mistype happens: ENTPs are proficient at accomplishing whatever goals they set their minds to – and their determination often causes them to act like a judger in the pursuit of those goals. This distinction is clarified by learning about cognitive functions – ENTPs lead with extroverted intuition, which enjoys basking in a world of possibilities, whereas ENTJs lead with extroverted thinking, which values efficiency and getting things done – whether it’s an over-arching goal they’ve set their minds on or a simple routine matter. ENTPs are much more likely to let the little things slide. They are determined, but only when they’ve set their minds to something – otherwise they couldn’t care less.
Types that are most likely to mistype as ENTP: INTP, ENFP, ENTJ
Most likely to mistype as: INTJ
Why the mistype happens: Though INTPs are perceivers, they are highly concerned with accuracy in their intellectual pursuits and may take a regimented approach to their work. This type is highly perceptive in the intellectual sense but on a day-to-day basis they are not impulsive, which is the only measure that most online tests take into account to determine between judgers and perceivers. For this reason, many INTPs originally test as INTJs. The distinction between these two types can be understood through learning about cognitive functions – despite sharing three letters, these types have zero cognitive functions in common and actually process information incredibly differently.
Also likely to mistype as: ENTP
Why the mistype happens: INTPs enjoy exploring new ideas and thanks to introverted intuition being their auxiliary function, they often enjoy brainstorming and debating new ideas as a means of giving them a new topic to analyze. Though it’s more common for ENTPs to mistype as INTPs than vice versa, these types share all the same cognitive functions in only a slightly different order and can each easily pass for the other in many situations.
Types that are most likely to mistype as INTP: INFP, ISTP