28 Times When Tumblr Got Myers-Briggs Right
1. That time when introversion was finally explained.

2. That time when nobody knew about the functions.

3. That time when they gave us a very legitimate warning.

4. That time when the types became snakes.

5. That time when someone horrendously misunderstood the point of the MBTI.

6. That time when ENTJs were self aware, at least.

7. And that time ISTPs had no shame.

8. That time where Jay Z weighed in on the MBTI.
9. That time when the wrong types lived together.

10. That time when INTJs were just too thorough for us.

11. That time when the feeling types were finally summarized.

12. That time when INTJs struggled to relate to the rest of us.

13. That time MBTI posts got meta.

14. That time every typologist struggled to date.

15. That time tumblr took the MBTI super seriously.

16. That time the ENTP’s inner psyche got torn open.

17. That time they reminded us not to debate with NTs.

18. That time the INTP’s functions were clarified.

19. That time an INTP gave the most INTP answer ever.

20. That time INTPs revealed themselves to be robots once and for all.

21. That time Fe was explained comprehensively.

22. That time they revealed the truth about why we like Myers-Briggs.

23. That time the rarity of the INFJ was explained.

24. That time ENTPs were trolled by the MBTI.

25. That time we finally defined the INTP acronym.

26. That time when we couldn’t just let fruit be fruit.

27. That time NTs were just not on our level.