Heidi Priebe

Articles by
Heidi Priebe

How You Know It’s Time To Leave

When you reach into the depths of your memory and can barely remember the last time you felt terrified. The last time nerves pirouetted through your throat.

Why It’s So Hard To Get Over A Cheater

It is hard to get over a cheater because when you leave the relationship, there are two people you must mourn. One is the asshole who cheated on you, in all their flawed, unfaithful glory.

What Kind Of Boyfriend You Are, Based On Your Myers-Briggs

ISFJ You are the serious-relationship boyfriend. In a world full of dudes who won’t commit, you are the coveted anti-fuckboy. You invest yourself fully in relationships and don’t shy away from putting serious work into keeping things running smoothly.

8 Common Misconceptions About ENFPs

ENFPs have four modes of processing input: Their first is extroverted intuition (Ne), which dwells in ideas and possibilities and make connections about the world around them.

How To Love Someone You Cannot Hold Onto

We have all fallen for temporary people. They come as swiftly as they go from our lives; with their reeling minds and striking bodies and genuine, wide-open hearts.