To The Person I Am Becoming

You will one day be proud of the woman you’ve struggled to become.


To the person I’m becoming, it’ll all make sense to you one day. Everything you’ve been through in this life, it’ll all have meaning for the first time. You’ll be able to look back and recognize the shifts that happened, and the changes that were made. One day, you’ll be able to look back at your past and say “that was the girl who didn’t give up.”

You may not have all the answers right now, but that’s okay. You’re not supposed to. If you knew all you were supposed to know, the life that you’re living now wouldn’t mean anything at all. The answers that we stumble on are part of what makes this journey so beautiful.

You will struggle. The climb to becoming the person you’re meant to be will not be an easy one. You will hit rock bottom. You will feel like there’s nothing you can do. You will hurt. You will feel pain. You will feel like everything in the world is falling apart at the same time.

But you will make it. You will one day be proud of the woman you’ve struggled to become. You will be able to look back on all of this and be able to say that you made it. That’s what awaits you. You just have to get there.

You don’t have to do this alone, either. Trust me, I know how stubborn you are. You don’t ask for help; you never have, and when you go through the roughest times, you feel undeserving of the help you so desperately deserve. You, nor does anyone else, have to deal with what hurts them most by ourselves. No one is unbreakable. You can and will find the strength, even if it’s in other people, to overcome.

Above all else, I have faith in you. I always have. Even if I sometimes make you feel like I don’t. I believe in your strength. I believe in your power. I believe that the person you’re becoming will move mountains one day. Believe me, you’re that powerful.

I believe in you.

Good luck to the person I’m becoming. I’ll see you soon. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Hannah Irelan

someone who speaks her struggles through words.

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