20 Thank You’s To The Guy Helping Me Get Through The Quarantine

1. Thank you for texting me good morning, because in this time of social distancing, it’s nice to know someone remembers me.

2. Thanks for sending pics of all your meals, because it feels like I have someone to eat with.

3. Thanks for sending me funny memes, because it eases getting all of the negative news notifications.

4. Thanks for sharing beautiful songs with me in the midst of how very scary everyday life has become.

5. Thanks for asking how I’m really doing, because you know I hide my fear.

6. Thanks for checking in during the day, because it reminds me I’m not alone.

7. Thanks for recommending shows and talking to me about the best parts during our video dates.

8. Thank you for making future plans with me, because it gives me hope for the future.

9. Thanks for reminding me to wash my hands, not touch my face, and use hand sanitizer.

10. Thanks for sending me hugs and kisses—I really miss those.

11. Thanks for sharing cool articles that have nothing to do with the virus.

12. Thanks for assuring that my family will be okay, because your faith feeds mine.

13. Thanks for making me laugh, because it helps me not want to sulk all day.

14. Thanks for offering to buy me groceries when I tell you I’m out of something.

15. Thanks for making up creative ways to go on “dates.”

16. Thanks for being patient while I vent about how stressed I am.

17. Thanks for telling me that I’ll be okay, no matter what happens with my job.

18. Thanks for being a great example to live by, because you’re helping others out too during all of this.

19. Thanks for joining me in my super girly yoga sessions.

20. Thanks for texting me goodnight and not allowing for me to go to bed feeling forgotten.

About the author

Fernanda Calvo

Fernanda is a native New Yorker who loves tea, fuzzy socks and stories