Strong Girl, Don’t Fall In Love With This Man

Aral Tasher

Don’t fall in love with the man whose words don’t match his actions because he’ll only drop you in an ocean of disappointment. Don’t fall for the man who discusses the future with you but doesn’t commit because he’s only leading you on. Don’t fall in love with the man who’s still playing the field while he has you by his side because he doesn’t respect you and lacks to acknowledge your high value. Don’t fall in love for the man who you give endless chances to because one day you’ll see it was a waste of time. Don’t fall in love with the man who takes your heart of gold for advantage, the man who uses the way you feel about him against you.

Don’t fall in love with the man who wants to control you. He’ll limit your ambition. He’ll take away from your freedom. He’ll damage your self-esteem, your confidence and your self-worth. He’ll never truly love you for who you. In fact, he’ll only love the idea of you. He’ll make you feel you are not good enough for him to choose you yet he’ll keep you around. You’ll never be his, he’ll never be yours. Because he’ll always keep space for someone else who will fit his picture perfect more than you do. He’ll never be a 100% there or a 100% present. Don’t fall in love with the man who wants to have the upper hand because he’ll never lose himself in you.

Don’t fall in love with the man who is all about himself. Don’t fall in love with the man who knows that you deserve someone better than him. Don’t fall in love with the man who is selfish because he only sees things from his perspective, he only does what’s best for him. He doesn’t consider your feeling or wellbeing. He doesn’t care about your needs or what you want from him as a significant other. He doesn’t think about you when he makes decisions that affect your relationship. He doesn’t think of you when he’s away, when he’s alone.

Don’t fall in love with the man who doesn’t treat you right. Don’t fall for the man who makes you go to bed crying. Don’t fall in love with the man who you call and text more than you see. Don’t fall in love with the man who doesn’t give you gifts, the man who doesn’t spoil you from time to time. Don’t fall in love with the man who project his stress on you instead of being open to you about what he’s going through. Don’t fall in love with the man who doesn’t tell you he loves you often because sooner than later, he’ll stop. Don’t fall in love with the man who doesn’t apologize when he’s wrong, when he’s hurt you. Don’t fall in love with the man who emotionally withdraws because he’s upset about something you said or did. Don’t fall in love with the man who doesn’t express his anger in a respectful way.

Don’t fall in love with the man who doesn’t do anything for love. Don’t fall in love with the man who doesn’t work hard to get you. Don’t fall in love with the man who doesn’t work hard to provide for you. Don’t fall in love with the man who doesn’t prioritize love. Don’t fall in love with the man who doesn’t believe that love lasts. Don’t fall in love with the man who makes you lower your standards, who makes you lessen your expectations. Don’t fall in love with the man who makes you think that you’ll never be loved the way you, that you’ll never be loved the way you need. Strong girl, don’t fall in love with this kind of man. Although you might, although you will, although you are. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Farah Ayaad

An Arab at heart. A writer in the making. A unicorn wannabe.

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