Hate To Break It To You, But You’ll Never Be Good Enough For The Wrong People
You’ll never be good enough for the things that are not yours. You’ll never be good enough for the things that don’t belong to you, the things that are not of your own.
Farah Ayaad

You’ll never be good enough for the wrong people. You’ll never be good enough for your friends who are secretly jealous of your support system, personality or accomplishments. You’ll never be good enough for your family who wants you to be just like them. You’ll never be good enough for the people who are too busy judging you. You’ll never be good enough for the people who see your strengths as weakness. You’ll never be good enough for the people who feel sorry for you instead of looking-up to you. And you’ll never be good enough for the people who don’t appreciate your beauty. You’ll never be good enough for the people who don’t love you for you.
You’ll never be good enough for the person who’s not ready. You’ll never be good enough for the person who’s not over what their ex did to them. You’ll never be good enough for the person who is in love with someone else.
You’ll never be good enough for the person who doesn’t see the person of their dreams when they look at you. And you’ll never be good enough for the person who doesn’t want to make it work, who doesn’t want to be with you, who will never choose you. Darling, you’ll never be good enough for someone who wants to control you not love you, own you not worship you, take away from you rather than complete you.
You’ll never be good enough for the job that doesn’t see your set of skills and knowledge but sees your color or religious beliefs. You’ll never be good enough for the job that doesn’t see your difference as an asset. You’ll never be good enough to get that raise you earned because you’re too nice, too understanding, too ethical. You’ll never get the job you really want because you’re too proud to keep on fighting, asking, resisting.
You’ll never be good enough for the things that are not yours. You’ll never be good enough for the things that don’t belong to you, the things that are not of your own.
You’ll never be good enough for the things that are not meant for you to have, to experience, to feel. You’ll never be good enough for the things you so badly want because some things you will never get to keep. You’ll never be good enough because you’re still looking in the wrong places, the wrong people in all of the wrong ways. You’ll never be good enough because the truth is, you’re more than enough. You’ll always be more than “good enough.”