Date Someone Who Makes You Question Everything

Inna Lesyk

Date someone who makes you question love. Someone who makes you doubt you have loved before them. Someone who changes the way you love and the way you think about love. Someone who shows you dimensions of love. Someone who portrays to you what love is capable of. Someone who takes you places you have never thought you would go. Someone who makes you feel something you have never felt before. Someone who makes you believe in love.

Date someone who makes you question your worth. Someone who makes you reevaluate your standards. Someone who makes you reconsider the friendships you have in life. Someone who makes you fall in love with yourself again. Someone who empowers you to stand-up for yourself. Someone who pushes you to chase after your dreams. Someone who reminds you of your beauty. Someone who tells you how important and valuable you are. Someone who sees your worth and reveal it to you every. single. day.

Date someone who makes you question timing. Someone who proves to you that timing is just an excuse. Someone who makes things happen. Someone who shows-up. Someone who stands their ground. Someone who knows the difference between right-now and tomorrow. Someone who makes you want to take it slowly and quickly at the same time. Someone who does not wait but someone who creates.

Date someone who makes you question your decisions. Someone who makes you see things in a new light. Someone who opens your eyes to a reality you could not see. Someone who cleanse your heart with love and good intentions. Someone who makes you wonder why you cared too much or too little. Someone who makes you more aware of your bitchiness and bullshit. Someone who calls you out and does not let you get away with stuff. Someone who makes you heal from painful past experiences. Someone who makes you want to grow.

Date someone who makes you question your purpose. Someone who makes you wander. Someone who makes you dig deeper. Someone who makes you search for meaning. Someone who makes you connect. Someone who makes you feel. Someone who makes you want to be more than just a name, a number, a body. Someone who makes you better. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Farah Ayaad

An Arab at heart. A writer in the making. A unicorn wannabe.

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