What It’s Like To Love A Wild Woman
A wild woman is scary because she is a dream you have given-up on, a dream you’ve never thought would come true after all the broken promises, the disappointments and the heartache.
Farah Ayaad
To be wild means to be skin free, heart free and soul free. To be wild means to be led by the heart. And what I mean by the heart is the passion that ignites life and purpose in someone’s being. A wild woman is neither good nor bad; she is right in the middle, playfully creating her own sense of balance.
A wild woman is rare, and she is hard to find. She is chaotic, if not chaos itself. A wild woman is full of surprises and is always up to some kind of adventure. She has love for everyone, and it’s that kind of love that comes with no conditions, no expectation, and no expiry date.
A wild woman is scary because she is a dream you have given-up on, a dream you’ve never thought would come true after all the broken promises, the disappointments and the heartache.
Yet, there she is that wild woman! She is standing right in-front of you, looking back at you with such grace yet power in her eyes that leaves you a clueless little kid all over again.
She fucks you right. She knows your weak spot but she never uses it against you unless she has her mind set on blowing yours. She cares about what excites you and she intentionally does what terrifies you. She is open-minded about trying new things and open to have the most honest conversations you have ever had. Giving is a natural instinct of hers: the more she gives, the more she has.
A wild woman is gentle and rough; she likes romance just as much as she likes kinky stuff. She ignites desire in your heart and body by stimulating your mind. She can read what you are thinking like she’s reading lines from her favorite book.
She drives you crazy because as much as you try to put your guard up, as much as you try to say no to her, as much as you try to keep her on some sort of an edge, she has you flying in the sky one moment and on the ground the next one.
Her kisses catch your breath away and they make you feel something you haven’t felt in a while. You just cannot keep-up, and you love it.
She’s a fighter. A wild woman does not give it to you on a silver platter. She calls you out on your shit. She is hard on you because she sees potential in you, she sees more than just the surface. A wild woman wants more and she does not settle for an almost something.
She is not a perfectionist. In fact, she just loves life so much that she wants to feel everything at the highest capacity. She is an optimist who makes the best of what she has. You can count on her because she does not bail on you in your moment of need. She does not give-up on you when you have given-up on yourself. And she does not give you up because things are tough or are not going her way. Although it might seem as she is fighting you, she is fighting for you, and she is fighting with you.
She shows you dark & light. She’s been at the top of the world just as much as she’s been at the lowest place you could imagine. A wild woman keeps it real, so she shares with you her most delightful moments and the saddest ones because she is not afraid of showing her vulnerable self on a good or a bad day. She is equally comfortable under the sun and under the moon; she is the definition of raw.