Why I’m Sick Of Hearing That College Is The Best Time Of Our Lives
College is hard. I’m taking five classes, working part time and trying to balance time with friends and family.

I always feel that I have to be extremely careful when I am around older people to not talk about how stressed I am at college. Whenever I do it seems to end in speeches about how these are the best years of my life, and I should be thankful and enjoying them instead of complaining or being stressed out. I end up being reminded of how blessed I am to not have to worry about a real job, or paying bills or taking care of a family. And I nod my head and pretend to heed the advice they have just given me.
The truth is I feel very blessed to be in college. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn and further my education. I am thankful for great friends and an amazing campus bursting with opportunities. I try to never forget these things. But, as true as all of these things are, when I’ve stayed up until 4 in the morning studying for a test that’s not even related to my major, I’m stressed and a little sad. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
College is hard. I’m taking five classes, working part time and trying to balance time with friends and family. I finally decided on a major, but I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. And I’m pretty stressed out most of time. I am not saying this to complain. Because I think, this is exactly what college is all about. I’m saying that I hope these are not the best days of my life, because I want to believe that there is so much more left to enjoy.
I look forward to my first job after college. I can’t wait to marry someone I love and start a family of my own. I look forward to a minivan full of kids on our way to soccer practice. I even can’t wait for retirement, when I am able to knit and watch TV all day with out judgment. While I know that there will troubles and hardships along with each of these times I think the future is so exciting. And I hope that I always, no matter where I am at in life, can think that there is something left to look forward to.
It’s a crazy time. It’s stressful and sometimes sad. But, I’m so thankful for these blessed days with friends that I have learned to love as much as family. I am so appreciative for this entire experience, even in the hard times. I know that I will always look back on this time in my life with fond memories, but I always look to the future with hope.