21 Reasons Every Type A Personality Needs A Selfie Addict In Their Life

Every straight-laced, serious person (who is a little bit social media-phobic, naturally) needs a selfie addict in their life to show them the finer points of creating the perfect online persona. And the Type A personality needs to help the selfie addict regulate their voracious need for likes. It’s a yin and yang as old as time itself. And in partnership with ABC for their new series Selfie, premiering Tuesday, Sept 30 at 8|7c, here are the 21 biggest reasons they definitely need each other.

1. The Type A personality is going to want to make sure every moment of a party is running smoothly—so much so that they might forget to enjoy themselves. The selfie addict is going to take tons of photos to ensure that everyone remembers all the best (and okay, some of the hilariously bad) parts of the night forever.

2. The Type A personality might feel embarrassed by strangers in public. A selfie addict knows that they’re never going to see these strangers again, so you might as well make a fool of yourself for the photo op.

3. A Type A personality can often be too busy to catch up with friends. A selfie addict uses social media to keep their friends up to date with their lives, so it feels like no time has passed the next time they see each other.

4. While the Type A personality might pride themselves on their ability to pay attention to details, the selfie addict knows that everything from the accessories to the filter to the caption has to be ON POINT.

5. The Type A personality can remind the selfie addict that self-satisfaction is just as important as the amount of likes you rack up.

6. The Type A personality may not realize the importance of a social media presence in this day and age, but a selfie addict knows that each complements the other and that all work together to create your #brand.


7. Every once in a while, the selfie addict needs to be reminded to look away from their screen. The Type A personality is that person to remind them.

8. A Type A personality can often get stuck in a daily routine. A selfie addict will take risks (and even if they’re only doing it for the ’gram, it still counts).

9. A selfie addict knows that every moment is a chance to make life more beautiful, not just more efficient.

10. But a Type A personality is going to remind them that all the food styling in the world doesn’t affect the taste of the meal, so the selfie addict should just sit down and enjoy it before it gets cold.

11. A selfie addict might get caught up in finding new and cool things to see and do and say, but the Type A personality will have already researched everything up and coming so they’ll know.

12. A selfie addict will only be all too happy to manage the Type A personality’s social movements FOR THEM, so everyone gets to focus on what they love best.


13. Every selfie addict needs someone to take photos of them when they want to have their style blogger moment, and you know the Type A personality is going to want to take the best picture possible.

14. A Type A personality is wired to control every little moment that happens to them. A selfie addict trains themselves to look for all the little moments that are unique and worth sharing.

15. And the Type A personality will remind them that sometimes, little moments are best shared as secret things between the people who discover them, and no one else.

16. The Type A personality is going to remind the selfie addict about boundaries and that sometimes sharing everything might hurt someone’s feelings or invade their privacy.

17. The selfie addict is guaranteed to remind the Type A personality to laugh at themselves every once in a while.

18. Each probably knows things the other doesn’t: The selfie addict will be chock full of information such as which filters are proven to generate more likes (really), how to shorten tweets so they fit the limit and make sense, etc.; and the Type A personality knows…well, everything else.


19. The selfie addict’s ability to recognize a joke or a witty comeback is going to be on point after so much time trying to react in real time. The Type A personality might be so worried by the situation that they fail to see the humor in the moment.

20. (Though sometimes, the selfie addict needs to be reminded not to make light of something. The Type A personality can rein them in when need be.)

21. Opposites attract—and a selfie with your best friend will always look better than one alone. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

This post brought to you by ABC. Watch ABC’s new comedy Selfie Tuesdays at 8|7c.


About the author

Ella Ceron

Writer. Editor. Twitter-er. Instagrammer. Coffee drinker. (Okay, mostly that last one.)