10 Reasons Why Wells Is The One Who Got Away…From The Bachelorette
Wells’ Instagram page is is filled with pictures of dogs. Is there anything better than pictures of cute guys with cute dogs? He’s a huge dog-lover and often volunteers at animal shelters in his town. ~swoon~
De Elizabeth
Hi, my name is De, and I’m a Bachelorette fan.
(This is where you say “Hi, De!”)
I’ll be entirely forthcoming in saying that a huge part of my love for The Bachelor franchise started out pretty ironic. I, like many viewers, would snark-tweet throughout the episode while pic-stitching as fast as I could to make some (dank) memes. But somewhere along the way, I actually kind of…sort of…started caring about the show.
It’s not because I’m a “hopeless romantic” or anything. Considering that the majority of couples on the Bachelor franchise end up in splitsville, that would be a pretty lame reason to love the show. To be honest, I’m not even sure why. Maybe it’s because I’m a part of a Bachelor Fantasy League so I have a competitive investment that compels me to tune in every Monday night. Maybe it’s because the show is just too entertaining to look away. (On that note, I kind of miss Chad.) But regardless of the reasoning, I’m not afraid to admit it: I genuinely ~*love*~ watching The Bachelorette – even though I don’t really find 99% of the contestants attractive or dateable.
Which brings me to this:
I’m pretty sure that Wells Adams is the only contestant literally ever on this show who might actually be considered IRL boyfriend-material. And I’m totally not the only one who thinks so. Why? Well(s), I’m so glad you asked.
1. He. Is. So. NORMAL.
I know that “normal” isn’t normally a compliment, but compared to contestants like Daniel or Evan (or Jordan or Luke or – you get the idea), Wells is the epitome of the “boy next door.” He’s the kind of guy you’d meet in class or at a bar, which is actually an impressive quality in the world of The Bachelorette.
2. He loves animals.

Wells’ Instagram page is is filled with pictures of dogs. Is there anything better than pictures of cute guys with cute dogs? He’s a huge dog-lover and often volunteers at animal shelters in his town. ~swoon~
3. He’s a musician.

If you’re someone who’s a sucker for guys who play guitar, welcome to your dream crush. In addition to his job as a radio DJ, Wells also plays guitar…and he sings.
4. The whole kissing thing.

The guys gave Wells a lot of crap for being the only person in the house who hadn’t kissed Jojo, but think about this: Wells said that he thought his time was better spent getting to know Jojo rather than making out with her. Um, HI, THAT’S AMAZING AND TRUE. Plus, as anyone who’s ever kissed someone knows, the longer you wait, the better it is.
5. He’s introspective.

There’s something to be said about a guy who can get ~real~ with words. His Instagram also proves that he’s a big reader.
6. Wells’ idea of a perfect date is literally amazing.

According to this site, Wells’ perfect date includes “really good tacos, a great live band, a walk around the city, and wine and cheese on his front porch as they listed to Otis Redding on his turn table.” Yes please.
7. He was even popular in elementary school.
Wells shared a perfect #TBT post on his Instagram page that depicted handwritten compliments from his 4th grade classmates. Some of the comments include:
“You are good at sports and you don’t show off!”
“You have cool hair and are a good friend.”
“I like your dimples.” (Aww.)
8. He’s flawed, which lets us know he’s human.
Wells’ biggest flaw is that he doesn’t like pizza. I know, that might be a dealbreaker for some, but think about it – there are other things to order at pizza places. So maybe it will be okay.
9. He is super creative.
Wells even once dressed up as The Flash at his nephew’s birthday party after telling him that “he and The Flash are tight.” That’s commitment.
10. People *really* want him to be the next Bachelor.
After sketchballs like Juan Pabs and boring snoozefests like Farmer Chris, isn’t it time for a bachelor that’s, well(s), a genuinely interesting nice guy? There’s plenty of fans who think so. #TeamWells 4lyfe.