You know those REALLY shitty exes where you look back and think, “how the hell did I even date them?!”
I think we’ve found one of those downright awful exes.
Reddit user and certifiable narcissist Madgal87 took to the internet to essentially brag about how poorly she treated her boyfriend. When Madgal87 and her boyfriend first engaged in fun sexy times, Madgal87 realized he wasn’t circumcised. She says she “tried to get used to it,” but just couldn’t, and tried to emotionally blackmail her boyfriend into getting the procedure done.
Here’s her whole story:
According to her, it was even worse that her boyfriend cried after realizing he didn’t want the procedure! “What kind of man cries in public!”
Madgal87 deleted the post after pretty much everyone on the internet called her out on being a downright awful person.
Many people are supposing that this user HAD to be a troll, and I certainly HOPE that is the case.