15 Words To Remember When You’re Going Through A Rough Time
Your thoughts will be reflected in behaviors, so try to limit the pessimistic ones.

1. Amnesia
It’s never as easy as we’d like it to be, but forgetting is a necessity in instances that call for us to leave the past in the past. We must be able to have amnesia whether it be in regards to getting rejected for a job or cheated on by an ex. In forgetting you will find freedom. Unfortunately, as humans it’s not as simple as an eraser swiping at penciled scribbles, in fact it actually takes a conscious effort to catch yourself when you’re dwelling, and remind yourself to forget those memories.
2. Future
By being alive right now, you have a future. Sure, it could be scheduled to end in two hours or it might last for the next 70 years. The concern shouldn’t necessarily be with the quantity so much as the quality. Making right now count. Dreaming of a brighter future is good and all, but it’s also crucial not to think you can create that finished painting today or tomorrow. One stroke of the brush at a time. One day, hour, minute, second at a time, making maximum effort in the present for the benefit of your future.
3. Perseverance
If there’s a circumstance other than death that’s capable of steering you away from dreams, goals and desires — more than likely you’ll give up at some point. Significant accomplishments are rarely achieved immediately. To swing at the first pitch and hit a homerun is a rarity. To strikeout countless times but continue beating your craft until you’re capable of knocking it out of the park is the routine most successful people will endure. We’re all bound to experience resistance in one aspect of life or another, the difference is how accepting one is of their shortcomings. Is mediocrity (or worse) acceptable? Demand extraordinary with relentlessly and you’ll persevere simply because that’s the only option.
4. Happiness
If currently you aren’t happy, ask yourself what it is that’s stopping you from experience happiness in this very moment? It’s not necessarily about throwing on a forced smile (although I’ve heard that’s not a bad start), but where would you begin when attempting to get yourself in a genuinely happy state of mind? If comedy films or conversations with your friends cheer you up, engage in those activities. For many of us, happiness is a constant battle. Some people aren’t just able to happy by default and only get sad when something goes terribly wrong, those people have to fight for happiness. The key is to make that effort and not allow yourself to remain in a state of any emotion other than ‘happy’ for too long.
5. Serenity
Much like happiness, serenity is a place you must locate. Perhaps you’ll have actual locations that give you a feeling of calm such as a quiet coffee shop or a beautiful park. Other times it’s all about finding that serenity within yourself. The inner-peace, the correct state of mind, the relentless focus on cleansing oneself of all anger, frustration and hate, inhaling calm and exhaling concerns. Basically, hakuna matata.
6. Faith
Believe in what you believe in, but do it wholeheartedly. God, love, the universe, people, destiny — sometimes you don’t have extra reassurance, leaving you with nothing but the strength of your own confidence. Faith is a trust fall, you’ve got to believe with the utmost conviction that everything is happening for a reason, and in the end all will be well.
7. Friend
Not necessarily the people who frequent the same hangouts as you or are constantly around, but the people who are always there. The select few trusty individuals who will sit there and listen to you rant and vent about all of your struggles. There should be no judgment or spiteful responses that make you feel worse about yourself (maybe a little brutal honesty that you simply need to hear). They’ll let you ramble on the phone until 2 AM or attend a club they normally wouldn’t visit just so you can get much needed time out. Don’t shy away from these people when you’ve got handfuls of lemons, friends usually have creative ways to get rid of ’em.
8. Family
Where as friends might not quite understand, or you simply aren’t as comfortable talking to them about your hardships, family should be the most reliable place to lean. Ideally they love you no matter what because flesh and blood offers a rare, unique bond. Spend time with them, vent to them, rely on them when things aren’t going your way, and suddenly the rough times will be smoothing out.
9. Life
You have one, it is precious and guaranteed to end at some point. Don’t waste it letting a tiny, tiny period of it define the rest.
10. Temporary
Whatever you’re going through will come to an end, which is crucial to remind yourself of when it’s seemingly an eternity. It always seems like the seconds tick a little bit slower during bad times, but it’s important that we march through storms with the certainty of blue skies on the other side. All good things must come to an end, as must all struggles. Don’t let temporary misfortune block your mind of any positive thoughts.
11. Grateful
As easy as it may be to point out every last thing that you don’t currently have, there is ALWAYS something to be appreciative of. A lot of the time we desire luxuries, situations, finances or people we can’t have, completely forgetting about all of the treasures we’ve been granted in life. Things to be grateful for having aren’t always physical objects. You can’t hold, text and download apps on a loving relationship with your Mom or Dad, and your good health isn’t shiny with nice rims on it, but they’re certainly worth being thankful to have. There’s nothing more disappointing than losing something/someone you’ve taken for granted, and realizing then that you didn’t appreciate every single moment you had it/them.
12. Attitude
There’s a quote that goes something along the lines of:
Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.
Everybody gets down sometimes, the key is to recognize instances in which you have the ability to change your attitude, and do your best to make it a positive one. Your thoughts will be reflected in behaviors, so try to limit the pessimistic ones.
13. Forgive
Holding grudges is so much work, why not forgive past offenses and move on? Some people struggle with this, and understandably so considering folks often do awful things that aren’t easy to drop. The thing is, if your rough patch is happening because you’re holding resentment towards someone, do yourself a favor and find a way to forgive. It takes a load off your back and frees up time that would otherwise be spent thinking about some wrongdoings that make you unhappy.
14. Hope
Have some. Hope for the best, even if you’re one of those people who insists on preparing for a terrible outcome, wish for good things. If you’re a believer in the power of the human mind, you know how significant visualizing and desiring things can be. Expect great, desire great, anticipate the things you want to happen.
15. Awesome
Because at the end of the day, you and life are awesome. Seriously, all of us have our vices and issues but if you look at just about anyone, you can spot good intentions, and a kind heart, even if they’re covered in a layer or two of awful. Whatever rough time you’re experiencing may suck, but at some point you’ve got to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and be awesome.
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