What Your Favorite ‘Walking Dead’ Character Says About You
Rick Grimes

You’re probably not the initiative-taking, leader type like Rick is, which is why you are drawn to someone willing to take that role. This doesn’t mean that you’re a voiceless sheep, it simply says that you don’t desire excessive amounts of responsibility or feel comfortable making important decisions for the greater good of large groups of people.
Lori Grimes

You are very understanding in your intimate relationships… VERY understanding. You believe that people make genuine mistakes, and in some instances, you feel they deserve forgiveness. Perhaps you’re a mom, perhaps you just really love yours — whatever the case may be, you have motherly instincts that make you willing to die for the ones you’re close to.
Carl Grimes

You’ve been the curious type since you were a child, so remembering those days of snooping around and often times being scolded for it are why you take a liking to Carl. However, you also may have had a tough upbringing that forced you to mature much earlier than most. Watching the evolution of Carl from a meddling kid, to a desensitized adult in a child’s body was something you found a nostalgic feeling in.
Hershel Greene

You are a lover of the elderly, often going the extra mile to be polite and respectful to old folks. You’re willing to engage in conversations with them because you can appreciate their wisdom and stories. You’re likely a family oriented person who serves as the glue that keeps your kinfolk together.

You find independent women who can kick ass and hold their own with the best of ‘em appealing. You’re probably the silent type, which often times turns out to be the most dangerous, deep-thinking individual. There’s more than meets the eye with you, but those who don’t force the issue will never break through your tough exterior.

You find codependent women who can kick ass and hold their own with the best of ‘em appealing. You’re probably very outspoken or, admire those who aren’t afraid to be frank about whatever is on their mind, especially if it’s something they believe in.
Daryl Dixon

Badass recognizes badass, and if Daryl Dixon is looking very familiar to you, you’ve probably got some of that badass gene inside of you. Also, you can tell the difference between a good person who has been influenced by bad environment and a bad person who is too far gone to change… OR you just find the handsome, bad-boy type attractive, and he fits that bill.
Dale Horvath

You either believe that no matter how bad a situation gets, or how poor conditions may be, there’s no reason to lose our humanity entirely, or you admire a person who’s able to sustain this mindset under crappy circumstances. You yourself are compassionate even when it’s tough to be kindhearted.

You feel sorry for really nice people who the universe has taken a gigantic crap on. Maybe that person was or currently is you, so seeing someone handle lose so much and handle it with grace is relatable.
Glenn Rhee

You do a lot of things for people and are constantly underappreciated, but you’re completely fine with being kept out of recognition’s spotlight, because your actions are done out of the genuine, kindness of your heart. When a friend needs help moving or something from the store, you’re always willing to do them that favor.
Shane Walsh

You have a soft spot for damaged, confused people who are constantly on the cusp of going off the hinges and having a serious breakdown. You can sympathize with emotional wrecks, and while they may be going about things the wrong way, you grasp the fact that their intentions are good – it’s their execution that’s poor. You’ve been caught in your fair share of crappy situations that left you feeling misunderstood.
Maggie Greene

You like a Southern twang, as well as the girl/boy next-door type. You’re willing to get your hands dirty if it involves the well being of your family, friends and/or significant other. Getting physical
Merle Dixon

You enjoy a good old-fashioned a-hole. Not just the typical sarcastic jerk, but a hateful, sexist, bigot.
The Governor

You’re either a crazy person who enjoys being/watching sick, twisted human beings or you’re the most understanding, accepting individual since Jesus. I’m hoping it’s the latter, for the safety of the general public.
Beth Greene

You manage to see and appreciate things that the majority of the world barely notice exists.

You’re just kind of chillin’ out maxin’, relaxin’ all cool and all shootin’ some zombies outside of the prison. That part about shooting zombies is a metaphor for taking care of errands here and there, and being satisfied with a quiet existence. A couple of times a week, you pay a bill or take care of something at the DMV, and feel productive enough to come home and spend the day watching Fresh Prince reruns. Nothing more, nothing less.